scary mary /scary larry drabble

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Oh boy here we go again 


"Don't." Larry heard her say, she's not looking at him, practically pouting on the bed in the middle of the cell. A bandage is wrapped around her forehead.

"Mary." He says again, his fist clenched in hurt and anger. He didn't need to speak more for Mary to understand. He wants answers, an explanation, anything that'll tell him why she experimented on him—the person she's supposed to love.

"I...," Mary sighs, shifting uncomfortably on the bed. Larry knew she didn't like being confronted by him, or really anyone she cared about. Well, too fucking bad. "I...I haven't been exactly honest with you."

You tortured me for months and turned me into a mindless slave. You've been honest enough.

"Larry, the council wanted you dead. This was the only way I could keep you alive—-"

You hurt me. You hurt me. You locked me in a room for hours on end, starved me, took away my free will. You tried to turn me into a fucking monster, you used me like I'm just a tool to you! You treated me like an asset, not to the person you love—the person you're supposed to love.

"You'd rather have me in constant pain than dead Mary?" Larry spits, glaring at her. He's had his fill, already knowing everything he needed to know.

Larry turns around to the entrance.

"Larry! Larry—Don't!" He heard her shriek, she sounded frustrated but mostly hurt. He immediately turned around, it was the most hurt he'd ever seen her display. Mary had always been a secretive person, and she'd only cried a couple times in his life. Suddenly, any anger he could've had seemed to fade away as it sunk into concern. It pained him how easily he'd forgive her. For the dehumanization, the hours of painful torture, the mistreatment. He'd already forgiven her for it and she hadn't even apologized.

Mary never would because in her own fucked up head—that was her way of protecting him. She wouldn't ever regret it. Even if it hurt Larry, she would keep him close to her. Cruel as it was.

No matter what, he couldn't ever escape.

"I...needed you alive, you'd been missing for so long and—and I'd already thought you'd been killed. I—I don't want to ever feel like that again."

He disappeared for 6 months after the sewer incident. His house was destroyed and he didn't have a place to live, he moved from place to place, staying under the radar.

"I know." Larry sighs. "Why won't you leave them?"

"Larry, it's the council, I'd be stupid to attempt to defeat them. The council is in the thousands, we're only a couple of people." She hissed, it was a logical statement but nothing about any of this was logical.

"Mary, you know you can't keep doing this. How long until they order for your death too?" Larry rubs his forehead in distress. "They've taken so much from us, Mary. This life, it's completely destroyed us. Regardless if we fail, we'll go down together. And, if we don't—we can...we can still live a normal life Mary."

Larry knows it hit her hard, because it was true. So many of their years were wasted, spent apart by the council. They barely got to see each other, and when they did, the time was never long enough. Mary had always wanted kids, Larry knew, and he wanted the same.

But, Mary had chosen the council over that life. They were always supposed to get married, she never showed up at the wedding. It was called off just mere hours before. And, it broke Larry, they didn't speak for a few years after that. It was strange how much Mary missed him, how many times she discovered his location, how many letters she sent, all of it. It was like she couldn't let go of him, even though she's the one who called off the wedding. Mary treated him like a rat, using her limbs to crush him over and over again.

Maybe she would choose him this time? Maybe he wouldn't have to keep running from her? They were old, but not too old. Their bodies were fit due to the keys, they...could still have kids. And if they couldn't? Mary would find some way to alter their bodies so they could. They could still buy a house in a quiet neighborhood, settle down, and finally be together.

"Okay" He heard her mumble as she gently cuddled into his chest. Larry, looking at the women below him, smiles. It's a short answer but he knows she means it, that she truly does want a life with him.

And, it hurts, it hurts to know. Especially after everything, all the abuse she's shown towards him, all the times she made him suffer. Marys fucked up in the head, a red flag in itself. What kind of person tortures their partner? Take their free will? Fucks with them mentally instead of offering them comfort?

But, he's smiling.

"I...I was being monitored at the base. I was...cruel to you because...I had to show the council that—"

"The council isn't watching you now." Larry said, cutting her off. "They aren't watching you anymore."

"I'm a terrible person Larry." Mary sighed, Larry could hear how tired she was just from the statement. "Yet, you ignore it. You push past it everytime and I just don't understand." She closed her eyes, face buried in his chest. Larry looks at her, but this time he really looks. An old woman with grayish white hair and pale skin. Her keys tucked beneath her skin, Larry can feel the bumps of it underneath her skin. It's been years, yet, it's still uncomfortable for Larry to think about. Mary looks so tired. They both look tired. They both are tired.

"I do it because I love you and you're damn lucky I do."

Larry could've killed Mary, broken her key while she was knocked out. All he had to do was twist it, push it down and jab it into deep her bloodstream. Unfortunately, Larry could never hurt her the way he feels he should be able to. He knocked her out of anger and immediately regretted it, especially after seeing the blood drip down her forehead. Larry picked her up protectively after thanking the players. Blood continued to drip down her face so Larry bandaged itp up using a medkit. Larry placed her on the bed in the comically large cage, tucked her in and turned off the lights.

God, he hated her, loved her too.

"I know..." Mary muttered as Larry took out her bun. Her long white hair fell to her shoulders. Larry ran his hands through it. Her hair had always been soft, Larry could remember nights where she'd lean down and kiss him. Her brown hair would tickle his cheeks, she'd chuckle at how flustered he was before giving him another kiss on the cheek. Mary loved kissing him with lipstick, Larry swore he almost died out of a heart attack once due to it. His head would go hazy, and he'd feel his heart flutter.

As expected, Mary pulls down his tie and kisses him. She tastes like mint, smells of rich perfume, and her hands feel too heavenly for someone who committed so much sin. Her hands trail under his shirt after his tie falls. She feels his transition scars, gently running her hands over them. He lets out a breath, her silk gloves feel nice on his skin. Larry feels his heart flutter again, and he can't help but smile.

"The scars are finally fading huh?" She chuckled, giving him a look that could only be described as "damn ur old ☠️". The moment feels so light, Larry indulges in it.

"Barely" Larry mutters absentmindedly looking at the dark skin underneath his nipples. Her pale skin stands out so much compared to his tan skin. Although his skin was starting to pale as well due to the key. Larry was thankful he didn't have much time to visit his family down in South Korea, they'd ask him so many questions and then they'd take his head.

Heavy perfume, it smells like heavy perfume.

All he can focus on is the fact that Marys here and she's gonna stay. Mary kisses the scarred skin, her bright green lipstick staining the skin. Larry bites his cheek, attempting to hold back a smile. He begrudgingly places a kiss on her forehead, it baffles him how he still loves Mary.

Well he might as well bask in her affection and stop thinking while he can, the calm before the storm. They still need to deal with the council and the twins. Larrys not particularly worried about them, they don't work for anyone but themselves.

Mary's hands leave from under his shirt, she leans back into him again, her face buried in his warm chest (or at least, he hoped it was warm.)

"Mister Larry?" A voice says, someone muffles a laugh, they both look up, seeing the players looking around them.

Uncle Pete has a phone that's definitely not his...with the flash on.


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