Chaotic! Kid and Scary Larry!

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This was such a breath of fresh air to write 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥 something short, funny n sweet. Sorry I left for like two weeks—life happened ☠️


Things could've been worse. Maybe it was strange that Mary got bested by a couple of kids, but perhaps it was because she underestimated them. Kids may be an overstatement, most are older teens closer to the age of 18. Most of the teens are quiet, and most of the group avoided him. Larry couldn't blame them, the fact that these teens he gave childhood trauma to saved him in the first place was odd. Larry remembers it like yesterday, his (what was supposed to be simple) Purge on an innocent neighborhood. Some part of him regrets it, but the key makes it so he cannot determine what is right and what is wrong.

It has to be learned.

Most of what Larry feels is numb. He wasted no time knocking Mary out—had he not needed information out of her, he would've killed her. Afterwards, Larry finds himself exploring around the base or talking to the detective who's using Larry's words to confirm information. Detective Bradley Beans as he's called—the amount of information he has on Larry and the others terrifies him. The man is nice enough, the detective and Uncle Pete don't mind Larry being around. Still, he doesn't have the deep friendship those two have so he feels a bit left out. (He discovers that the two are dating later and his jaw drops in realization.) Things are slow, and unbearably calm. Larry feels bitter, he insists Mary stays in that cage lest he hurt her. And, his bitterness stayed—

Until he met you of course.

You were a small kid with strange never ending bursts of energy, you rambled about random and could never stay still. Only around the age of 8-10, you were the youngest there. You couldn't help it! Why stay still and be boring when you could move?! The night Larry properly met you was when you came up to him, tugging on his sleeve and babbling about how hungry you were. Larry hadn't expected anyone and blinked a couple times to make sure you were really there. The old man raised an eyebrow, placing down his crowbar. He asked why you didn't just eat the leftover pizza, only for you to say you didn't like the cheese.

Deciding to humor you, Larry walked you from the makeshift bedrooms to the kitchen, checking his watch, the time was 2:54 am. Everybody was definitely asleep, so, while preparing to knead dough, he asked, "Why are you awake so..." Technically, it was more early than late. "...early, kid?" He knew your name, but he couldn't help it—with the Purge and all, he'd forgotten how much he wanted to be a father, he liked kids.

"I'm keeping an eye out for the snail!" You said, head held high as you placed hand sanitizer on. You smelt it only to stumble back from the way it tickled your nose. Larry caught you, almost as you were about to fall down the stairs. Larry shook his head, getting you safely to the kitchen by carrying you. Once doing so, he placed you down and got the rest of the materials he needed for pizza.

"The snail?" Larry questioned, spreading sauce on the pizza. He added a few spices to change up the recipe, he remembers his friend from Purge University teaching him how to do so. Larry doesn't know where they are now, but he hopes they'll meet again.

"Well, when I was six, I was outside walking my fish when a snail scared me. It crawled up my leg at record speed and I barely got away. It told me 'nobody would believe you.' And, nobody did. So one day, I decided I'd step on 100 snails as payback. Ever since then, me and the snail have raged war upon one another:"

Larry raised an eyebrow, holding back a chuckle. The story was so random that Larry found it amusing. Ah, the joys of being a young child, playing outside and—wait—walking your fish?

Larry was about to question you before he noticed you moving around in the fridge, you pulled out a bag of cheese and huffed proudly at the sight of your find.

"You're a strange kid," Larry hummed, "But, are you strange enough to spread the cheese on this pizza?"

"You got it bossman!" You said excitedly, you couldn't reach the counter so Larry picked you up and held you by the waist as you spread tons of cheese on the pizza. You clearly weren't afraid to get your hands dirty, you mixed in the cheese while giving a few mischievous giggles. Larry had you wash your hands after he placed you down. He sat the pizza in the oven as you washed.

"I'm guessing you like this type of cheese? How come?" Larry said, prompting another one of your rambles.

"Well, when I was 7 I liked to chop up my yellow paper into strips and eat it. So, my parents started feeding me cheese and string cheese. But, one day, my mom gave me yucky cheese by accident so now I only eat this cheese" You said as you turned the water off, you attempted to reach for the paper towels but they were just too high! Larry was about to question you further when you called out for his help. "Mister Larry!" You called, Larry whipped around, noticing you pointing to the paper towels. His heart melted, you were so precious. Larry handed you a few towels, to which you gladly dryed your hands with. You paused for a second.

"This reminds me of the time I made a gate with paper towels." You muttered throwing one of the paper towels in the trash, leaving two more beside you. You pointed to the counter, Larry rolled his eyes, but picked you up and sat you on it anyways. He was growing quite fond of you, he couldn't keep track of how many times he'd thought that.

"Why'd you make a gate with paper towels?"

This question led into a long rambling about a kingdom and its shockingly terrifying treatment towards the people. An interesting story, the king did not treat the townspeople right. The towns people became violent and a wall was built, you were the evil mean king rather than the hero though. Larry admired you for that. After a few minutes of bickering about the subject, the oven dinged.

Larry grabbed mittens next to the stove and took the pizza out. He placed it far from you ok the counter, you attempted to get closer but Larry pushed you back.

"Wait for it to cool or you'll burn yourself." Larry said sternly, he was hungry as well but he knew a cranky child was a problem.

"I can handle a burn!" You yipped, throwing the last two crumbled paper towels into the bin. You made it..once.

"No you can't kid" Larry chuckled to himself, picking up the crumbled towel you'd missed. "But, you wouldn't wanna risk weakening yourself." He said in a grim but playful voice. "What if the snail comes back?"

You gasped, you couldn't believe he believed you! He was brilliant!

"You're right!" You said excitedly. "I can't risk not being ready for the snail! Speaking of the snail..."

You and Larry quietly talked about the snail while the pizza cooled, after awhile, Larry helped you down from the counter and the two of you munched on the pizza. The two of you were like animals, absolutely destroying the pizza sliced one after one. Perhaps you two should cook more.

"Where'd you learn how to cook Mister Larry?" You questioned, shoving another bite of pizza in your mouth and swinging your legs back and forth.

"A friend of mine taught me, I'm not sure where he is now, but he was a good friend." Larry hummed.

"Do you think the two of you will meet again?" You asked gently.

Larry paused for a second, considering his answer. The thought of him and his friend meeting again made his heart race. But his friend, known as the pizza boss, was part of the Purge. And, knowing that Larry left the group, would probably want nothing to do with him. Afterall, their sessions were just to help Larry learn to cook, even if the two started meeting up and talking like friends. Larry...had formed a crush on the guy, but he couldn't lie to you. Romantic love was something Larry was never destined to have.

"No, I don't think so..." Larry answered honestly.

"But...that's sad..." You whined, frowning as you stared down at your pizza.

"It is, it's very sad," Larry agreed. "But, sometimes people come into our lives, stay for a bit, and go. You take experience from that person and move on."

"Will you move on from me like that Mister Larry?" You stared at him with big eyes.

"I'll try to stay as long as I can, kid." Larry said reassuringly.

The twins are still out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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