Chapter 1:School day

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The day starts Puppet's alarm goes off ''Beep! Beep! BeeP!'' Puppet groaned rubbing his eyes getting out of bed checking the time 6:59Am ''its early''Puppet thought to himself getting out his bed looking at the mirror he had his hair was a mess he was wearing a black sweater with 3 white buttons his sweater was messed up the shoulder was kinda falling off he pulled up the sweater and tried his best to fix his hair he looked in his closet putting on a jacket with white stripe sleeves and put on black sweats and went downstairs he looked at his fridge that had a note that said 

''Hey Puppet sorry we won't be there because your father and I has a bussiness trip but we bought enough items to last you a couple of days so just keep doing great in school our little Puppet master -love mom''The note had written 

Puppet sighed and looked around he decides to take a apple and got his backpack set up and looked outside waiting fro the bus he looks at his phone at his desk ''HI friend''Freddy texted Puppet wasn't really in the mood to hear Freddy's request to have him cook chicken for him since he was a good cook so he looked at his other text ''Good morning Puppet:) I accidently set my alarm at this time so now am awake now''Circus said (Circus baby/baby is her last name) Puppet chuckled because he did that as well he looked at his text ''Hey puppet!''Bonbon texted Puppet decided to text back ''Hey Bonbon''Puppet typed back he looked at Springtraps profile and decided to put his Phone in his pocket and looked outside waiting for the bus 

after a hour later

The bus arrives Puppet walks out the door with his bag and got on the bus sitting down alone in a seat Circus went on a different bus Bonbon was close enough to the school where he can walk Freddy forgot school was today and just stayed home eating chicken Springtrap also went to a different bus

Right as Puppet got on the bus people immeditly started whispering about him ''Its that weird kid ''one kids whispered ''yeah i herad about him  he gets rejected everytime but who can blame him heh am mean what guy or girl would date him''another kid whispered ''He doesn't look like he sleeps he looks like a hollow-eyed worm''One kid whispered ''he also looks like a creep I wonder why no one loves him''the other kid said other kids whisper mean things about him and the worst part is he heard everthing even the bus driver but  didn't do anything.

When the bus got to school Puppet got up and was walking out the bus when someone triped him ''Hah looks like you fell for the bus instead of any boys!''The kid mocked him Puppet just got up and walked out the bus ''yeah walk away you coward!''The kid yelled Puppet walked in the scoold in his first class as the teacher was teaching Puppet gets hit in the head by a peace of paper he looks at it the kid that threw it smirked at him all puppet did was throw it aside not even bothering to read it making the kid frown his read the same thing every time Loser,teacher pet, wimp,creep and the list goes on Puppet finished the class and moved to his next class he walked by Bonbon''Hey puppet!''Bonbon said waving ''Hey Bonbon''Puppet said walking over ''so hows your day''bonbon said ''ey its going the same but how are you''Puppet said ''i'm doing good Bonnet was called in sick''Bonbon said giggling to himself ''well see you at lunch''Puppet said waving bye going to his class ''Bye Puppet''Bonbon said walking to his next class every other person that went by him purposly shoulder bumped him he went to his next class and like every class

He made it to lunch after so many insults he sat next to his friends ''Hey Puppet''Circus baby said ''Hey Baby''Puppet said usually calling Circus baby by her last name ''Hey poppet''Springtrap said ''wheres Freddy ''Puppet said looking around ''I tried texting him and he said he forgot it was a school day''Bonbon said rolling his eyes''yeah that sounds like him that guy''puppet said ''oh well we all need breaks time to time''Springtrap said ''yea-''Puppet said getting cut off by someone pouring water on his head ''Think before running away coward''a kid said walking away Circus baby gets up but puppet stops her by holding her arm ''its not worth it ''Puppet said ''But poppet-''Springtrap said as Circus baby sat back down ''its fine ''Puppet said drying his hair with the napkins ''do you need any more napkins''Bonbon said handing him his napkins ''thanks bonbon''puppet said using the napkins to dry his clothing after lunch he had two more classes his next was phyiscal education




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