Chapter 7: Shopping

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After teaching Foxy what he needs to know and what lying is or what he calls it ''pretending'' ''So is there anything else I need to know?''Foxy said ''Nope thats should be everything''Puppet said  puppet thinks for a little ''do you have any favorite color?''Puppet said ''favorite color?.....well I think I like pink and red ''Foxy said Puppet thought about all the bullies he had from just what he was wearing and decide to look online for any red outfits such as jackets,pajamas and just everyday clothing Puppet  then remebers the dream he had 

''So Foxy I wanted to talk to you about something''Puppet said Foxy looked over ''sure what is it?''Foxy said ''well the first time we met you had a bunch of scratches and bruises is there ...reason?''Puppet said .......Foxy went silent and spaced out ''Foxy?''Puppet said .....Foxy finally snapped out of it ''uh... its nothing you know just branches and ...accidently running in to things its nothing''Foxy said obviously lying or hiding something 

''are you sure?''Puppet said ''yeah...''Foxy said Puppet notice he wasn't really in a talking mood anymore  so puppet didn't push it

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