sneak peak YAY

687 12 7

Lilith: what wrong with my son

doctor: it seems he's a special case something I've never seen before in my life

?: fuck me harder Y/N~

? 2: I want you to work for me

? 3: damn you zarathos

Goddess: you know this could get you killed

Y/N: I'm prepared for the consequences

Court guard: all rise

Court angel: I find you guilty

? 4: (pure rage) you killed my wife

? 5: I am the son of death for your crimes against the balance of life and death I've been created to kill you

Goddess: Y/N how could you

Y/N: so youve returned (cocks gun) how nice

Exterminator: we were created by you

? 6: (crushing Y/N skull) tell them the truth

Y/N: (crying) it's all my fault

? 7: (crying) Y/N NOOOOO

Charlie: I have a dream

Goddess: do not mistake my sympathy for weakness

Mammon: I'm forbidden from telling the truth about the original

Alastor: if I kill you does that make me king

Charlie: welcome to the happy hotel

? 8: (circling Y/N) were not so different you and I

Agent two: what the hell are you

Y/N: besides family everyone I've ever loved is dead

Little Charlie: Y/N please (tears fall) let's go home

Y/N: if I ever see you near her again I'll strangle you to death

Angel dust: she abused me because of some guy that left her

? 8: first I broke her spirit then body then her mind and finally her neck

Hey everyone so as you can see those are some of the character lines for this fanfic I wanted to post a small clip of it

But unfortunately I don't know how to animate all this or at all

But hey I'm sure this has got you interested in my story and I hope you'll continue to wait to read

Y/N morningstar story [coming soon]Where stories live. Discover now