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Akaashi waited in class silently humming her favorite song to himself. He only knew her favorite song because of the many conversations they had together. Though Taeko was more chatty, he never minded it. He loved hearing about all the things she loved.

Akaashi zoned out into the window before he felt a familiar aura coming up toward him. "Kaashi..what are you looking at?" A soft voice asked him.

"Nothing. I was just waiting for you." He looked back at Taeko. Heat rises to her face. She smiled at him and took her seat behind him. 

He turned around to face her. "Uhm..where is it...?" She whispered searching through her bag for the snack she bought him. 

Once she found the strawberry pocky she handed it to him. "Here this is what I got you." She smiled brightly at him.

He took it from her hand and placed it in his bag. He planned to eat it later. They began talking about their mornings waiting for the teacher to get there.

"Akaashi...um can I talk to you..alone please?" A random girl came up to the two or rather him. He looked at Taeko and shrugged. She shrugged back with the sweet smile that was once on her face disappearing.

Akaashi looked at the girl and then at Taeko who made eye contact with him. She placed her head in her hands.

"Well, not alone." The girl's face went into a scowl. "I'm sure if there is anything you want to say, you can say it in front of the both of us."

Akaashi definitely didn't want to talk to her. It was obvious what she wanted and that she was probably jealous that Taeko was so close to him.

"I would like to talk to you alone. I'd prefer it. Can't you do that one thing for me!?" She asked him placing a hand on his. He moved his hand just as fast.

Taekos glare hardened at the girl. She was becoming an issue. "Sorry, but he said no already so whatever you have to say, say it already and be on your way." Taeko crossed her arms on her desk looking up at the girl.

The girl looked at her in disbelief. "He would probably want to talk to me if you weren't always around! What do you see in her anyway!?" She slammed her hand down onto Taekos desk. Which got the attention of the class and the teacher who had just walked in.

"Ms. Inuzaki? May you go back to your seat and not cause trouble with other students." The teacher told her. The class began to erupt in whispers, probably all about her.

The girl glared at the teacher and then rolled her eyes out of annoyance.

"Ughh!! You are going to wish you didn't cross me." She whispered to the brown-haired girl and stomped back to her seat.

Taeko glared at the girl with a scowl on her face. That was until Akaashi placed his hand on hers. She looked at the boy and her scowl went away. "Hey, it's okay don't worry about her. If she does bother you, tell me." He smiled before turning around to focus.

"Okay, class today is a work day. Work on your parts of the projects with your groups today from last Monday." The teacher went on to explain the part of the assignment we were doing today.

Akaashi turned around to face Taeko. "I am almost done with this section of the project. How far are you?" He asked her. She scratched her head, trying to think of the last place she stopped from last night. "Does 'I don't know' sound like an answer you'll except?" She smiled at him with her thumbs. He deadpanned at her. 

She laughed at his face before continuing to write down small notes about the project. She began humming to help herself drown out the sound of her talking classmates. He looked up hearing her hum.

He heard her humming her favorite song to herself. Akaashi noticed her smile. He couldn't help but stare at her and admire her beauty. Just what was it that was holding him back from asking her out? Rejection?

That couldn't be it.

Could it?

The bell soon rang for lunch.

Akaashi walked up to Taeko tapping her shoulder.

She looked up at him with a warm smile. The one that made his heart beat speed up at alarming rates. The one that made him want to kiss her.

Not that he would do so.

"Are you ready to go? My mom made us bentos." He said grabbing her jacket that was on her seat.

Taeko stood up packing her things away. "Really? Tell her I said thank you! I love your mom's cooking!" Her mouth watered at the thought of his mother's cooking.

He smiled upon seeing her adorable smile. He grabbed her bag and slung it around his shoulder. "Come on, Taeko. These bentos won't eat themselves." He smiled at her before walking away.

"Hey! Wait up Akaashi!"

hope you all enjoy da story. !!

love you!! stan txt! 💕💋 yr

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