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"I can't believe you're leaving me" Layla, Jayla's best friend speaks. "It's only for a few years" Jayla says. "Plus I will visit every month". "You're still leaving for so long, I can't do it without you" Layla replies. "Trust me you'll be fine, you aren't going to die" Jayla says. "But I am I really am" Layla says. "No your not you will be great, and if you aren't great you better make it great" Jayla replies. "I hung out with you all week you practically live here, if you miss me that much you can sleep in my room every now and then. My mom will allow it". "But the whole point is that I want to see you" Layla replies. "I'm sorry lay lay. I wish I could take you with me I really do" Jayla replies. "Then don't go, that simple" Layla replies. "It really isn't simple though plus I have to leave for my flight soon and all my stuff has already been shipped over there. It's too late" Jayla replies. "Well just know that I'm going to miss you" Layla says. "I know you are trust me I do, and I'm going to miss you even more" Jayla says. "What should I pack?" Jayla asks her best friend. "Cute outfits, I don't know how boys are looking up in Boston but if there are cute ones you're gonna wanna show them what you got" Layla advises. "Your so corny help" Jayla says. "I'm just saying" Layla says. "There will be no showing nothing, I have a boyfriend plus school and grades are way more important right now" Jayla replies. "God you're such a nerd. But that's why I love you because we are the complete opposite" Layla says. "I am not a nerd. Love you to though" Jayla says. "Well you're not a nerd, you just need to live more" Layla says. "There is no time for living when I have so much ahead of me" Jayla says. "You already do online school don't you think that's already much" Layla says. "Not if I haven't gotten into college yet. No school has accepted me yet. I'm worried" Jayla says. "The time will come when it's right. You stress to much about school" Layla says. "I don't stress, I just need to know it before I get my hopes up" Jayla says. "You're impatient" Layla says. "Am not" Jayla says. "But you are, and I'm saying it in the nicest way possible" Layla says. Maybe she was right maybe I am impatient but still, I want the best for me and that's what matters. Right?
Me and Layla decided we should do something fun. So we went out. Nothing too big. We got boba and went shopping. I got some cute new outfits from the mall. Me and Isaac, my boyfriend. Haven't been talking that much lately. But I still haven't mentioned it to Layla. I know Layla, she will get over protective and want to kill the poor guy. He hasn't done anything, but that's the problem. It kind of reminds me of pipe down by Drake. You know, it's not the things you say it's what you don't say. Anyways, we were just sitting at a table in the Starbucks at the mall. It was pretty quiet so I wanted to break the silence. "Me and Isaac have been distant lately" I say out of nowhere. "How come?" Layla asks me. "I don't know, I think it's the whole moving situation. He was never supportive of it" I answer her question. "Drop him, if he's not going to support you then there no point of dating him. He's fake" Layla says. This is why I love Layla. She never thinks before saying, mainly because she doesn't have to. All she says is the truth, but I'm in denial. "It's not that easy lay" I tell her. "It's easy for him to start ghosting you because of the decisions you make for yourself because your, your own self" Layla says. It doesn't really make sense but I still understand where she's going with this. "He's not ghosting me" I reply. "Her practically is if you haven't talked" she tells me. Maybe she's right. "I don't know, I don't want to overthink it" I tell her. See the thing is. With me I will always say I don't want to overthink something and I end up overthinking it.
After a couple hours of just non-stop gossip we went back to my place and finally continued getting me life together.
I'm finally finished packing. All I packed were things I need for a week because that's how long it's going to take for all my stuff to get shipped there, and then I will have everything I need. This was a lot harder for me than you would think. I would be leaving so much, my home my family my best friend. I really hope it's going to be worth it. This is better for me though I know it is.
"You ready?" My mom asks me while I'm standing outside the house door. We already put all my stuff in the car. "Yes I'm ready, but I don't know I'm having second thoughts" I tell my mom. "You better not, no get in that damn car" she jokes back to me. We laugh. I'm going to miss my mom most. All though my best friend is Layla. My mom will always be my number one. She has done so much for me, I could imagine how hard me leaving is going to be for her.
On the way to the airport Jayla's phone buzzed. It was Madi.
"You on ur way??" -Madi❤️
"Yes I'm so excited to see you omg!" -Jayla.
"Me too!!, I have some friends I want you to meet when you come here." -Madi❤️
"Omg, are they good people?" -Jayla
"The best. Their also triplets so when you meet them do not freak out"
"Oh! I've never met triplets before this will be interesting" -Jayla
"Your so cute☺️, their going to love you so don't overthink it ok?" -Madi❤️
"I won't don't worry, can't wait !" -Jayla
"See youuuu, love you❤️❤️" -Madi❤️
"Love you more!" -Jayla
*Madi❤️ liked ur message*
Triplets. How fun! I'm very excited to meet these three individuals. (Jayla sounds so silly help me). I have so many questions ready. Or is that overwhelming. I can't over think it.
When I arrived to the airport I gave my mom the biggest hug I could ever give a person. My mom being my mom— started crying. I stayed strong for her. I didn't want her crying much more.
"I love you so so so much, just know that I'm very proud of you, your the best daughter anyone can ask for" Jaylas mom said. "I love you to mom, you're the best mom anyone can ever have" they hugged once again. So much emotions I know.
Jayla made it to her airplane. Her mom bought her three seats so she wouldn't have to sit next to anyone. She switched seats from time to time. The flight was long and boring. She literally had nothing to do the entire time. The night before she didn't sleep at all. So she just slept and hoped to wake up in Boston.

OKAY YOU GUYS THAT WAS PART ONE. I hope you liked it. Sorry I took so long to upload. I've been busy. Plus I was working on it. Then I didn't like it so I re-wrote the entire thing just now. Anyways love you all and I hope you continue reading this story. It still has so much more ahead of it love youuuu!!!❤️

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