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IN A TIME OF SUCH DISTRESS, I have learned that it is best to remain calm and collected. Freaking out does you no good. All that is running through my head at the moment is my induction, and how I must contain myself during the ceremony.

Living in a world such as ours isn't easy. It never has been. Some of my earliest memories are learning my way around a sword and gun. What a life, right?

Nobody wishes it was like this. Ever since Don took over as president, nothing's been the same. But, he's in control now, and nobody knows how to overthrow him. He snatched our freedom, feelings, and opinions from right under our feet.

We've been split into 10 sectors, often most associated with their colors rather than their names. There's the Tempestuous', or, the reds. They're the fierce group, full of rage and unfiltered cutthroat tendencies. Also, our biggest rivalry. 

Then, there's the Placids, or, the pinks. They're the most calm natured and they shy away from conflict. They've somehow found a way to not combat with anyone, and it's pretty impressive.

 Up next are the Avaricious', or, the blacks. They're cold, greedy, and manipulative. Although extremely powerful, their weakness is painfully obvious. With one simple bribe of money they'll do whatever you ask of them. Not really the most trustworthy source to go to, and they're many sectors last resort.

 Then, there's the Sprightlies, or the yellows. They always seem to be happy and energetic, which is their greatest strength and weakness. The adrenaline boost is great, but often times it ruins them in the long run. 

The people in the fifth sector are called the Thrivers, or the oranges. We mostly call them the citrus cowards, i'm not sure why, though. They're the most confident people out of any sector.

 Next are the Staunches, or the browns. They're reliable, conservative, and extremely honest. I've never seen a staunch not stick to their word. 

The people in the seventh sector are the Luxures, or the purples. Nobody knows too much about them except for the fact that they are extremely wealthy and have horrible attitudes about everything. 

Then, there's the Spiters, or the greens. They're obsessed with natural processes and doing things the way "Earth intended for us to do", whatever that means. So, they don't fight with guns and remain harmonious with nature. 

Second to last are the Accessibles, or the whites. They stick to simplicity and goodness. Most of them are stuck up perfectionists and goody-two-shoes. Although they're plain, it works out well for them in the end. 

Last but definitely not least are us, the Formidables, or the blues. Considering we're the most intelligent and strategic of all of the sectors, we have a high advantage. Most of the other sectors try to avoid us, except for the reds. 

The reds have never been scared of us. 

I must admit that it's pretty aggravating. My own dad left me to be a red. He took my brother with him and I will forever resent him for that. 

I hate him, my father. He left our family when the war was at its beginning. We needed him. And there's nobody I miss more than my brother, although I don't remember much of him. The only reason I'm here today, presenting myself in front of the whole town, is so I can finally have a chance to see him again. 

We turn 17 today, which makes everything a lot more complicated. We're officially able to fight in the war. Our sectors being rivals is my main concern because I know if it came down to it, I could be put in a situation where I had to kill my brother. 

My own blood.

"Em, I think you should start getting ready. We have to leave in about 45 minutes!" My thoughts are cleared as the time settles in. I can't believe it's already here. I've been dreading this day since I was 8. 

The WarOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant