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a/n: underline means the perspective it's from. :]


Eddie paced the room. Part of him was nervous, part wonderfully excited. He'd been thinking about this for a long time. How long ago was it now, since Frank had asked to eat with him today?

It had been at least a week; Frank never did anything without further notice, with the exception of catching a bug or rambling. His habitual nature was part of what made him so, well, him! Eddie adored watching him methodically work in his garden as he approached with the mail he was meant to deliver. It gave the mailman such a flutter to think about meeting him for dinner.

It was a guarantee that Frank would be as well dressed as always, with his suits and shiny shoes.

Eddie began to stress himself over small things.

'What should I do with my hair?' and 'What will he think of how I dress?' were just a few of those questions; he had to sit down to handle them all. It helped, he supposed, that he always had a bit of what Julie called "southern charm" about him. He just had to hope that it would be enough.


Suits, ties, and shoes stuck out to him as he looked for the one sure to impress Eddie Dear. He always dressed nicely; it didn't do to be untidy, he thought. Eddie, though, he could make an exception for. The local mailman stayed on Frank's mind. It was surprising, to say the least. When he asked Julie about the matter, she insisted that he "make a move." What did that even mean?

He had tried small talk (very awkwardly, and unlike him), offering to help Eddie with his work, everything! Even after asking the poor man to dinner, Frank wasn't sure that Eddie would ever, ever like him. It almost felt like he'd be better off catching bugs and pretending nothing ever happened. But what good would that do?

Frank pulled himself together and, having hours to spare, decided on enlisting the help of Julie.

Julie arrived not even five minutes after Frank had called her for help. She almost seemed more excited about picking Frank's outfit than him going on a date of sorts.

"Julie," he sighed. "I just don't want him to think that I'm trying too hard, or not enough! I want him to be impressed, not bored." Frank could feel his face heat up. How was he meant to get Eddie to like him? He walked briskly back to his closet, pulling out a small box that he had prepared just for tonight. Inside lay a small, golden dragonfly pin. It had small gems for eyes, and a few on the wings. He ran his fingers over it, feeling the cool metal and embedded stones.

Julie gasped.

"Aw, Frank, you got that for him?! He'll think that it's just adorable!" she exclaimed, causing Frank to jump. He hadn't expected her to be right over his shoulder.

"Yes, yes; I just hope he'll like it." He carefully replaced the cover of the box, setting it on his bedside table.

"Anyways, Frankie, I found you an outfit! I'm sure he'll love itttt!" she giggled, then showed him her creation.

"Ta-daa!" She squealed, holding it up. In her hands was a white shirt with a ruffled collar and his usual sleeves. The pants were black and slightly iridescent, while the shoes were shined. As much as he hated to admit it, she had great taste.

"Alsooo," she said, then held out a small object. "I got you this envelope pin! Cute, right?"

It was white, with a red heart stamp in the middle. It was rather cute.

He gingerly took it into his hands before going and changing. He pulled on the shirt, then the pants and shoes. He adjusted his collar, then pinned the envelope where it would be clearly visible. Would it be too much? He took a deep breath, stepped out of his bathroom, and quietly asked "How do I look?"

go for it, eddie ! {frank x eddie}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora