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Eddie woke up and picked up the golden dragonfly pin. It was proof that the night before, his dreams had come true. He had kissed Frank Frankly! He smiled as he put on his uniform and gathered his things. He swiftly left the office, resolving to get his work done as fast as possible. He had a lot to do, and he was determined to speed through.

He walked into Howdy's shop, quickly dropping the new stock down on the counter.

"For you, Howdy sir!" He smiled, getting a clipboard out of his bag for Howdy's signature.

"Well, you're certainly happy today! Anything special going on?" Howdy grinned as he asked, signing the sheet.

"Nothin' too special, just a tea break to look forward to," the mailman hummed as he took the clipboard and went on his way.

Eddie whistled as he walked to his next delivery, Wally and Home. You could usually expect to deliver the same things to the two of them. Art supplies and such for crafts; sometimes apples, should Howdy run out. He carefully knocked on the door, just in case Wally Darling was painting or doing something of importance. The door creaked open, and Eddie called out.

"Wally Darling! Package for you!" He held the box, waiting for a response. When none came, he set the box down before the door. "I'll leave this here at the door, enjoy!" Eddie walked out, figuring he'd just get the signature later.

He felt eyes on him as he left.

His next package was to be delivered to Poppy. Eddie never had a hard time getting her to answer the door; every noise made her jump, and she was extremely observant. He knocked on her door and, hearing a yelp and a scuffle, waited for her to open up.

"Eddie! You've got my package, I presume?" Poppy greeted him warmly, sticking her head out of the door and smiling.

"Sure do, Ms. Poppy! Here ya go!" He handed over the box of yarn. She signed for her package in very neat handwriting. "Don't get too tangled up!" He called as he left, laughing.

His next two deliveries were hardly difficult. Julie and Sally never posed too much of an issue, with the exception of Sally's dramatic monologue if her package happened to be late. Eddie checked his watch. 2:30. Had he really taken so long? He decided to pick up the pace. It wasn't easy, however, when he thought about the next client he would be delivering to. Barnaby.

Eddie found it difficult to get along with the large blue dog. He could be loud, abrasive... he had chased Eddie down for a package once, despite his protest. He sighed.

'Better to get it over with," he thought. 'Take too long and I won't be able to have tea with Frank!' The very idea put a bit of spring in his step. Nothing, not even Barnaby and his jokes, would ruin his tea break.

He approached the final house. Loud music could be heard as he rapped on the door.

"Got a delivery here! Arrived as fast as I could!" he called, though he doubted that Barnaby could hear him over the music coming from inside. "Barnaby!" he called again, wanting to get this done as quickly as he could. He sighed, turned around, and left the package on the step. As he looked up, he yelped.

"Barnaby! My apologies, I didn't see you there!" Eddie said, as the dog laughed loudly. It turned into a howl of sorts as the beagle clutched his chest, clearly amused.

"You should have seen your face, heh! Yeah, just leave my package there. I'll sign the old sheet for you, pal!" Barnaby laughed, hitting Eddie on the back playfully and smiling. Eddie sighed, then handed over the clipboard.

Barnaby, being the jokester he is, licked his paw and ruined the paper. The ink that was already present became smudged and illegible, and was unsalvageable. Eddie took a deep breath, tipped his hat, and began walking away.

go for it, eddie ! {frank x eddie}Where stories live. Discover now