The Children

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Ozpin waited for his student to return, it was the day right before the first day for freshmen. Hearing that elevator ding Ozpin quickly fixed his tie before taking an sip of his drink. Seeing his student walking in his office with an huge bag  Something else feels oddly nostalgic about it when he walked in the office, it was an mixture of sadness and happiness. 

"Welcome back Mojave."

Ozpin smiled at Mojave. Taking another sip of his coffee while Peregrine only got closer until he took an seat. 

"Job is done boss. Nobody knows about how the shack burned down." 

Mojave responded. Ozpin himself just looked at Peregrine before sighing. 

"I won't beat the bush, the Advanced Hunter courses have been completely abolished due to you being the only one left, you are now an sophomore. You will be assigned an team as well as to meet the graduation requirements of the average Beacon student, however since you have already completed those requirements you well only be required the non-essentials. If you do wish you can still keep the job you have here but you can quit anytime since it won't be an requirement anymore"

Mojave took an deep breath in and out before getting up, letting go of the sack. "Ok." Mojave replied as he just slow got up and went to the elevator. Before he went out he looked at Ozpin, his back turned away while his red visor just stared deep into his headmaster's eyes. 

"Can I have one request." Mojave asked. To say Ozpin was shock that Peregrine asked for an request. Never in his time of knowing Mojave that he has ask for anything. The head master just nodded his head to allow Mojave to make his request. 

"If I'm being forced to be in an team just please give us an dorm that has different rooms. I need an place to put my stuff in anyways." Mojave requested. Ozpin just nodded his head once again and as such the student went back to his dorm. While Mojave went to his dorm to prepare to movement to an bigger dorm Ozpin opened his personal scroll to get the deputy headmaster up to his office and have her look for an dorm for this new team. After sending an quick text to her he went back to his computer and started to write the grade for Mojave's success along with all of the digital content he emailed to him. 

"I want to blow my brains out." Mojave moaned out as he enjoys his extremely hot shower. He took an nice long time in that shower as he mentally screamed at how bad the school messed up everything he had planned. At least for him he can just abandon them the moment they graduate along with still getting his hunter license which allows even more freedom than the average huntsmen. He never did cry in that shower routine, not for his fallen comrades in fact he never did cared for them since they were always out on missions or too busy being engulfed in homework and classes to have much of an social life. Instead he cried about not asking for an raise since he can assume that all of the other people in that program quit along with getting no summer break. 

Getting out of the shower he left out one final sigh before drying off. Speaking about the dorms along with some shower thoughts the freshmen should be here. Best to see how to they are going to fair in this hell. Tying up his hair to an low hanging ponytail, putting on his security armor along with changing his armor and clothes and his loadout. Reason why in the first place is because Mojave himself is part of the security team, the only one now due to him being the only one left in the course. Part of the old program Mojave took required all Advance Hunter students be part of the security force for some reason that he doesn't know, he really didn't pay attention into it but it does have an nice paycheck with the job.

Current Armor. Beacon Security Armor (In the game fallout it is called the Sierra Madre security armor)

 Beacon Security Armor (In the game fallout it is called the Sierra Madre security armor)

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Current weapons on hand. Security baton that can be switch to electricity. an 10mm submachine gun and an 20 gauge pump action shotgun.

Walking around the halls at the bright sunny afternoon. He has yet to meet the young students and god he feels bad for them. They're about to meet hell on Remnant as the courses here are torment. A ding sound coming from his scroll broke his drone routine. Opening the scroll to see it's message that was sent by Glynda his main boss to make sure the students don't get lost. Which means he has to be at the landing bays cause he knows bunch of the greenies will be ultra stupid. Sighing he starts to walk towards the landing bay not thinking much. Letting his thoughts wonder about the previous mission. 

(Timeskip cause why not) 

Standing next to the  deputy headmaster Glynda, he awaits the new arrivals. "After this Ozpin wants you to prepare for tomorrow. You'll be assisting with the first years in making sure they survive."  She coolly says as she turned her head to look at the young security guard. In her honest opinion these past 5 years have been an headache dealing with students, in her honest opinion Mojave is the exception mainly due to him never having an detention or been in major trouble which saves her some paperwork. Plus he doesn't bombard her with useless questions so overall her favorite (it's really not hard to appease the deputy headmaster if you just nod your head in silence while she talks) even if he always breaks the dress code.

"Roger." Mojave replied. Not leaving his sight of the empty landing zone. Glynda looked at him for an second before looking back at the empty area. It took an minute before the bus aircraft arrived. Glynda could already feel the headache that is about to come her way, Mojave just stood their stoically. He is already feeling enough pain from being stuck here for even longer. As they slowly got out of the ships Mojave could have swear he saw an bunch of small children run out.

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