Emerald Fishies

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Current Party Members. 1

Mojave Vivas

age 19

Current Armor

Weapons wielding for this ep

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Weapons wielding for this ep. a anti-material rifle, handmade ak-47 and a combat knife.

It was early in the morning, to be precise 6 pm. Mojave himself was busy sniping at the high level Grimm, It was harder then one would think, mainly because he had straight orders from Ozpin to take care as many Grimm as he can before the newcomers can show up to do their trial. All Mojave can do is pray that the freshmen can beat their task quickly so he can have time to talk to one of the doctors they have in beacon about his eyes. He doesn't know why but his eyes lately have been hurting at random intervals ever since that one mission.

(Mojave's Pov)

Hate this. Not gonna lie I should look into dropping out due to how bull this mission is. Losing my good sleep to pretty much act like an guardian angel towards these greenies. Taking another shot at an Ursa I sigh at how boring this is. I need to ask for that raise when I get the chance if I'm doing things that are above my pay grade. Wandering around the forest I can't find anymore Grimm. Obviously there just small beowolfs but that isn't worth fighting unless they attack. 


Jumping from my trance of just wandering around from the sound I look at the chorus of screaming. It was the students that were falling or gliding through the air. Holy not going to lie I think some of them are going to die. As I stood there my scroll was vibrating on my wrist. I have this cool thing i made were I put my scroll on my arm, I call it the Pipscroll. Modifying an original scroll that was given to freshmen who start at beacon me to monitor my vitals, an terminal if in case I need to break in to something, along with some good old radio and all the other nifty things the scroll has. 

"This is Mojave." I answer as I stare into the Pipscroll. It was the headmaster himself. "Go ahead and head back to the rendezvous point, the cameras are not picking up any serious danger to the students." The headmaster said. I just nod my head and started to head towards the L.Z. 

Walking over there, occasionally stepping on the small grimm centipedes that are for some reason litter this zone, usually they are just scavengers, one of the very few harmless grimm out there. I despise them however, something about them just feels off. As I tracked towards the L.Z I smelled something familiar. That fishy, salt water smell. Wait salt water? The moment I stood still I see him walked out of the brushes and shrubs. That orange head along with that buff physic. In his hand was an machete. Simple machete that I made for him.

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