The Outbreak

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Okay so, I've been thinking for ages now to make The Last of Us but AvM, but I'm still trying to figure out all the details. So, I'm going to use a part of The Last of Us as a sort of...tester? 

-The Main Characters: Mango/K.O, Gold, and Tangelo (i made this character, he's Mango's brother)

-The word 'stick' means 'person' in stick figure world

-Gold is a girl in this just to match the plot!

-TW: Character death, blood, creepy stuff(zombie-like people),swearing (PLEASE let me know if i've missed any!!)


Gold woke to green light blaring faintly through her window, and a dog barked in the distance.

"Dad!" She called, looking around her bedroom.

There was no reply.

"Dad!" She shouted again, but there was no answer.

She climbed out of bed and walked out of her room, calling his name again, still with the same response. She checked his room, but he wasn't there either. Gold flinched when she heard a helicopter go over her house, and frowned in confusion.

What was going on?

She precariously tip-toed down the stairs and came into the living room, but he was still nowhere to be seen. She picked up the remote and turned on the TV, and it displayed a message.

A man started speaking.

"Indoors, law enforcement and emergency services are in the area, and will be in contact with further instructions-"

A bang came from the sliding door and Gold practically jumped out of her skin. She spun around, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was the neighbour's dog. It scrambled more at the door and Gold came outside. It whimpered and Gold knelt down to pat it, letting the dog rest it's paws on her knee.

"Shhh, shh, easy Mercy. What are you doing out her old boy?" She asked, looking around and then at the dog's house, just opposite her across the street.

She got up and walked about halfway across the street before anther helicopter passed over her. The dog was barking again. She walked back to the dog, took hold of his collar, and started going towards it's house. The dog started to wriggle and try to escape her grasp as they got closer.

"Come on Mercy please..." She pleaded, but the dog wouldn't listen.

It slipped it's head out of the collar and ran off, so Gold could only stare after it.

"Mrs Adler?" She called meekly, turning back to the neighbour's house.

The door was ajar. She cautiously stepped up onto the porch and through the door. Making no noise, she took a step into what seemed to be the living room, and when there was no-one there, she called for her again.

This time, a clanging noise sounded from another part of the house, and Gold stepped back into the hallway. She took a few steps down the corridor, but her head shot round when she heard a gunshot from outside. After a moment or two, Gold carried on down the hallway. Suddenly, as she got the end of the corridor, she slipped on something. She looked down at her feet, and her jaw dropped when she saw a smudged stream of blood that led into the kitchen. She looked round the corner slowly, and her eyes widened in horror when she saw an old man slumped against the wall, half stained in blood. He only rasped something quietly and Gold took a step towards him. The man weakly pointed his index finger to the right, and Gold looked to her right. She jaw dropped even further when she saw Mrs Adler, crouching over something. Someone. She was eating at them, chewing at their neck. 

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