Grey Knows

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The next few weeks go by and Tim and Lucy gotten closer. One day, At the end of role call .
Grey:"Chen , can I talk to you?"
Lucy:"yes sir."
Grey:"I  have been hearing rumors saying that you are the owner a cafe ."
Lucy:"Yes sir."
Grey:"Please ,dont tell anyone his but Tim doesnt want anyone to know when his birthday , So I was wondering if you can help me plan something for him?"
Lucy:"Yes sir, Its sweet."
Grey:"Thank you , I see tim and the others as my kids , but dont let me keep you back from going out on patrol."
Lucy:"Yes ir."
The day goes by smoothly and Lucy goes to the cafe.

Lucy was giving the customer their change when grey walks in.
Lucy:"Yes?oh hi sir , how may I help you?'
Grey: " I came by to buy somethings for Dominique and to discuss Tim's party."
Lucy:"Ok I will be with you in a minute, Amaya can you hold onto the front for me?"
Amaya:"Yes boss."
Lucy puts her  apron up and goes to the grey with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Lucy:"Here you go Sir."
Grey:"Thank you Lucy, How much do I have for you?"
Lucy:"Dont worry about." The two went on planning Tim's party until grey had to leave. At the end of her shift, she was in the parking lot when she turned around to see Tim.

Tim:"Hey, can we talk?"
Tim:"Lucy ,I like you alot!"
Lucy:"I like you too." Tim held onto her hips and kissed her for a few minutes until lucy breaks the kiss.
Tim:"Lucy, will you be my girlfriend?"
Lucy:"Yes !"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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