You sit on your bed, uncomfortable. The furniture that surrounds you is similar to your old furniture, but at the same time... not. The feeling you have makes you want to leave the room and the house- no, leave the entire town and just hightail it out of the place, but the only option you have is to sit in the corner and wait for your inevitable death.
Alright, maybe you're overreacting a tad bit. Maybe your new home is actually in a cute little town, and you're just a paranoid person having another existential crisis of some sort. Yet... yet, you have this feeling that you actually shouldn't be here, that there really is something wrong with this town, and it sends a shiver down your spine.
Because you swear, you swear that you've seen them here. The people, you mean. The ghastly white people that don't speak and seem to disappear before your very eyes and whisper to you while you sleep and-
No. Your therapist said it was just another one of those problems that arose from your brother's death. "They'll go away," he informed you with a warm smile and a firm hold on your shoulders. Two months later, you were no better off, but you still had hope.
"(y/n)?" your mother appears in the doorway, hair disheveled and looking tired, but seeming happier than she has been in a long while nonetheless.
You jump, whipping your head towards her. "Yes?" you manage you squeak out.
"How are you doing dear? Do you like the new house?" she asks worriedly. "I know it's a lot bigger than you probably imagined, but your father and I just fell in love with it."
You force a tight smile, contemplating whether you should tell her your feelings. "Yeah, it's great," you finally say, deciding to keep your mouth shut.
She breathes a sigh of relief, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Good," she turns to leave, then stops. "You should explore the upstairs while I cook dinner. It'll be ready in about an hour."
You hum in response, eyeing her back as she walks through the hallway and back down the stairs.
"Explore the upstairs?" you ask yourself aloud. Part of you wants to just sit and stay curled up hiding in your piles and piles of blankets, but you know you'll probably feel better if you get up and prove to yourself that there's absolutely nothing wrong or strange with this house.
So, you grab your phone and slip on your tennis shoes, then make your way into the hall. The floor is old, hell, the entire house is ancient, and when you step, the boards make quiet creaks. It almost sounds like little mice or rats squeaking the more you think about it, but you try not to focus on that as the thought only freaks you out more.
The first door you reach seems to be stuck, finally opening with a strong push. Light shines in through a large semi-dirty window, almost illuminating the room in a pretty way. If it weren't for the disgusting, dirty furniture all over the place, it might actually be a pretty sight.
Oh, and also if you weren't so damn paranoid of every little noise and movement. That might change a thing or two.
You decide to remove the off-white sheets from the furniture because it makes the entire house feel even more haunted than you already believe it to be. They throw dust into the air and even manage to aggravate your allergies in the process. However, you don't stop and keep pulling the decrepit layers from the antique furniture in hopes of calming your nerves.
By the time you finish, the sun that was shining into the room before had been covered up by dark grey rain clouds. The room is now almost creepier than before due to the thin shadowy film that covers it, and the furniture you expected to make the room look lively only made it seem more vacant, somehow. It might be because no one had really lived here in a long time or simply because you were paranoid already, but it doesn't matter to you. All you want is to leave this creepy ass room and eat some delicious dinner.

Attack on Titan~ One Shots
FanfictionOh, h- hey! You're reading this? Wow, I... I didn't prepare a speech or anything... Uh... So, this is like, mini stories where you insert yourself [the reader] in the story! They're based on the Attack on Titan universe, but they could be an AU or...