My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, no one will ever know...
People say you can't lose something you don't have. I only wish that was true.
"Dammit Hanji, there's to many! You have to help me gather up the soldiers!" She nodded in response. "I'll get my squad, you get yours."
Blood. Everywhere. Bodies.
There's no way we could've collected them.
I ran off, using my gear to move throughout the house tops easily.
There. My squad, fighting endless amounts of titans.
My steel grey eyes surveyed the area. I knew that Titan-boy had to stay safe, though in reality I was looking for that (h/c) shimmer.
I flung myself into battle, cutting countless napes of the neck.
I finally found my squad, completely surrounded by abnormals on top of a rooftop, protecting Jaeger.
There she was, in the midst of battle, keeping them from getting to close. Her (e/c) orbs shone with determination.
I quickly jumped to help her, killing too many titans to count, bodies and blood filling my vision and mind. I soon lost track of everyone.
Too many.
The last titan. The last one I cared about killing.
It's body fell to the ground, making a loud thud. I sneered at its face; I thought I had won.
I quickly made my way back to my group, glancing for her.
She wasn't there.
"Captain, we can't find (y/n)!" I looked at Petra with a horrified face, then sped off determined to find her.
By now it was beginning to get dark, my squad was telling for me to come back.
I was too far gone.
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone...
I thought to myself that day, why couldn't I just tell her? Why must I be such a wimp? A brat? I ruined it all, not by something I did, but by something I didn't do.
I saw her gear first. The glint of the last rays of sun, shining happily.
As if mocking me.
I fell, I let my gas stop. I wish I had died there.
When I managed to stumble up to her, she already looked dead.
I flung the disintegrating titan flesh onto the ground next to her.
It was obvious. She had been crushed.
I shook her, roughly. She coughed up scarlet red blood onto my stained clothes.
The first tear.
"(y/n)! Your alive. Come on, we need to get back to the squad so we can fix you!"
She smiled. That beautiful pearly white smile.
Second tear.
That was when I assessed her body.
Legs broken, arm broken, too many bruises to count.
And blood. Always blood.
Third tear.
"W- we can go! Y- you'll be f- fine..."
The look in her eyes said it all. She knew it, I knew it, this was it.
Fourth tear.
I couldn't fix it this time.
When the last teardrop falls
I will stand tall
And hold onto the memories
Of how you used to be...
I can't keep my promise. I can't imagine her smiling, I can only imagine the bloody teardrops that slid down her cheeks as she said goodbye.
Fifth tear.
I was lying to myself, it was the only way to keep myself from breaking down right there.
It was then that I noticed the full moon shining above the tree line ahead. It was slightly chipped.
I brought my attention to the girl in front of me, her beautiful (h/c) locks splayed out behind her, begging for me to stroke them. Her (e/c) orbs reflected the moon, along with her porcelain skin.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
It was then that I died. All nerves unconnected. My soul left my body, and all that was left was the hollow shell of a man.
The shimmer in her eyes died, the smile on her face faded, and I knew.
She was gone.
Sixth tear. Seventh tear. Eighth tear. Ninth tear.
They are flowing freely now.
I left a last, lingering kiss on her lips, in hopes that she wouldn't leave me. But to no avail, the beautiful woman I fell for was never coming back.
I was full blown sobbing, hugging her dead, limp body to mine. Begging, praying that she wasn't dead. That she would be here with me, smiling and laughing.
And I would have the courage to tell her...
I may still be here physically, but I left my body that night, under the slightly chipped full moon.
Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave.
A/N: Yes, I used the name of a Black Butler song. Don't judge me god dammit.
I tried to make it sad, but it came out kinda bleh. Oh well.
I am AMAZED at all of the reads and votes, thank you all and I love you ♡
Stay fabulous,

Attack on Titan~ One Shots
FanfictionOh, h- hey! You're reading this? Wow, I... I didn't prepare a speech or anything... Uh... So, this is like, mini stories where you insert yourself [the reader] in the story! They're based on the Attack on Titan universe, but they could be an AU or...