Love and Thugs

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Hi this is my very fist story please don't be so critical. Im trying it out. Let me know what you think.

Hi. My name is Aleaha Smith and I'm 15 years old. I was raised in the projects of Miami by my mother. I am a sophomore at Sunrise Highschool. I have wavy brown hair that goes down to the middle of my back that compliments my dark green eyes.  I have light caramel skin and a banging body to go with it.

Aleaha's POV

French Inhale, I like the way you french inhale. Do it again, french inhale. I like the way you,....

I rolled over in bed and hit the off button on my iHome. I sat up in my full sized bed and walked to my bathroom turning on the hot water to wash my face and plug in my Flat iron. All my family says my hair look good natural but I know it ain't so I straighten it for school. After doing my stuff in the bathroom, I head to my closet grabbed a pair of skinnys and a belly shirt with my grey chucks. I threw on my clothes, grabbed my homework, and my backpack and jogged downstairs to tell my mom I was leaving. 

"MA! I'm leaving!"

"Did you eat breakfast?"

"I'll eat at school. Can I just go before I be late?"

"Child you best not talk to me like that! And we both know you ain't eating at school."

My mom always wanted me to eat before I went to school. But the only problem was there wasn't ever anything to eat.

"I'm sorry mama. I gotta go. Love you."

And I walked out the door checking my Facebook debating whether to ride the bus or not. Seeing all the drama I decided to call my brother Anthony to get a ride. After about three rings he answered:

"Hey lil mama. What's up?

"You know I love you right?"

"Girl. You need to stop with all that. What you need? ....I don't even know why I'm asking. I'll be right over and you best be ready. Got me wasting gas and shit."

"Thanks bro! You the best. Luv yew!!!!"


And with that all I heard was the beep from my phone. Telling me he had hung up. My brother is 17 and moved out about a year ago after my mom found out he was dealing.

About 5 minutes later he pulls into the driveway in his all new 2013 All Black Honda civic. 

"Aye you just finna stare or get in?"

"I'm coming chill."

I got into the car searched for my binder in my back pack and pulled out a bag of weed and started to break up the buds of weed. I took a picture of my pile of luscious green and posted it on Instagram. (: 

"You got a wrap?"

"Girl what the fuck Kind of question is that? It's in the glove box."


"You need to quit doing that shit before school and focus a lil bit." 

"Whatever." I said while searching his glove box and found a vanilla dutchie. Mmmm my favorite. I then finished up the rolling process and sparked up. The smoke instantly began fogging the car out. After a few rotations of passing it back and forth with Anthony all was left was the roach. I threw it out the window a few blocks from my school. About a minute later we pulled up to my ghetto ass school.


I got to my locker already seeing my two best friends waiting for me with some koolaid grins on they face. Raylen and Keira. Raylen was mixed like me while Keira was white but the blackest white girl you would ever meet.

"Man why y'all so happy in the morning?"

"Tell us!" they both squealed. 

"Tell you what?" I said clearly annoyed.

"Yesterday we saw you talking to King. You was definitely feeling him don't act like you wasn't." Raylen said smiling.

"Y'all already know I'm not feeling him. I don't need another dope boy in my life." 

After that the bell rang and we walked to homeroom together laughing and talking about random stuff. Raylen was right about me and King but I really can't be with him. I don't even think he looking for a girl.


Ayye! My name is Kelvin Lakes but everybody knows me as King. I'm 17 and a Junior at Sunrise Highschool. I got dreads that hang down to my shoulders and I get all the girls. I play football, basketball and run track. I got a 4.0. But don't let that fool you I'm one of the youngest and biggest dope boys around. I guess you could say I have it all. But I know I'm missing one thing.....

Kelvin's POV

I was late to school this morning because my crew was slacking last night and got me into some shit with the boss. But it's all good now. The boss know he wouldn't drop me over shit like that. I walked into my homeroom class and it instantly got quiet. 

"Good Morning Kelvin. I'm so glad you decided to join us this morning. Please have a seat and begin on your morning work." said my ole' whack ass homeroom teacher.

I just gave his ass one of the fake ass smiles and found a seat and started my homework I never got to finish last night. Searching through my backpack, I couldn't find a pencil so I decided to ask this chick next to me. She was looking fine and all I could see was her back and her big ass. I decided to use the whitest voice I could muster.

"Excuse me. Do you have a pencil you could loan me?" I said trying not to laugh.

She continued talking to her friends still not turning around picking up the pencil off her desk and turning around to face me handing me the pencil. Her eyes got wide after she saw my face and began to blush.

"Damn ma. Did I scare you?" I said chuckling a little bit.

She didn't say a word just began doing her work not looking at me the rest of the class. The bell rang and we all got up to leave class but Mr. Waters ole' scary looking as decided to keep me and this chick name Aleaha back after class. Turns out Aleaha was the fine girl that was sitting next to me. After everybody left he sat us down and began to talk to us about some stupid competition for the school.

"Would you two be interested in being alternates?" He said grinning hopefully.

"Sure." said Aleaha instantly.

"That's straight" I knew if I said yes it mean I'd have more time to get to know her and get into that pussy. Which I could already tell was probably tight. 

"Sounds good you two. Don't forget to practice. Exchange numbers and get to class." He said  handing us the study guide and leaving the room. Probably to get a breath mint. 

Aleaha's POV

I wasn't exactly excited about working with King but hey I know this would look good on a college resume. We quickly exchanged numbers and planned to meet after school at my house since nobody was gonna be home.


Should I keep going?

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