Ferris Wheel Sex {Soda Pop Smut}

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It had been a while since I hung out with my friends outside of school, so we decided to make plans. After a while of arguing we all agreed to go to the amusement park. I put on a sexy outfit just in case I meet a hot boy, and I hear a car honk outside of my house. My friends were all there so I jumped in the car and we zoomed to the amusement park.

When we got there it was filled with people EVERYWHERE we had to hold our hands not to loose each other. Since it was already dark outside, all the pretty fucking neon lights of the rides were flashing in our eyes. The lines for every rides were so long so we ended up going to this cutesy little carousel, because it had no one on it. My friends all sat on a little horse and so did I. The carousel started moving and it was soooooo fun! But I had a little feeling of hornyness inside my stomach, I didn't do anything about it tho.

Until I look in the crowd of people and see a handsome sexy man looking at me with his eyes. With made eye contact and he looked so handsome it made me so horny. He flashed me a beautiful smile and I could help but to start grinding on the carousel pole without realizing and it felt so good I had to continue. Some people realized what I was doing. I came and I got off the ride like nothing happened. As we were walking to the next ride we saw the beautiful Ferris feel. We had to get on it.

The line was very long but after minutes of waiting, it was our turn. We had to get in teams of two to get in the Ferris wheel.

« You can get inside with me cutie » a random guy said behind me.

I turned around and was in shock when I realized the hot men was in fact the one I mastubated to earlier. OH SHIT!

« Uhhh okay! Yeah! » I look at my friends and saw they were so happy for me that a hot guy like that invited me with him. He took my hand that was full of cum and led me inside of the little cabin. We sat down and the Ferris wheel started.

« My names Sodapop by the way. » he winked at me.

We slowly got up in the air and I couldn't help but stare at his sexy face. All of a sudden I did the unthinkable :

« HANNN! » I moaned as he looked at me in worry, shock and disgust. It was silent. That was so embarrassing until I heard him moan as well. We both looked at each other intensely and we couldn't control ourselves anymore. We both dived on each other as our little cabin shaked. But I wasn't afraid of falling I was too horny.

He took off my sexy lingerie, and took his kind of small cock in his hands trying to find my sprightly hole. And it worked! Unlike his brother.

He started to fuck me like his life depended on it and it felt soooo good, way better than the carousel I thought as I moaned so loud everyone in the amusement park stopped talking and just stared at the shaking cabin. We couldn't stop it felt so good and he was close so he went even faster that i could think.

I started hearing people yelling but I didn't think much of it, until I felt us starting to fall to the left. I told him to go slower so I could understand what was going on.

OH SHIT THE ENTIRE FERRIS WHEEL WAS FALLING!!!! We starting to fall fastly while thousands of people were screaming and running away. People who were in the cabin were just praying to be okay. The entire Ferris wheel starts to rapidly fall on the left side and we heard a big boom. After the little incident happened. I opened my eyes and noticed that sodapop was unconscious next to me. I had to get the frick out of here, I tried to run out of the cabin still naked, while I heard helicopters on top of my head.

I look up and notice the helicopter was falling next to me, police officers and the army got out of the helicopter and put me in handcuffs, taking me to jail.

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