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you woke up to it being dark and a faint knocking coming from the door...

you look to your phone that had 5+ messages from kita, the time being 7:17pm, and your phone about to die..

"oh shit" you softly say to yourself, rushing to the door.

you open the door to see suna?? he looked at you with worry covering his face, shivering as the cold night breeze going straight for him.

"oh my fuck suna!! im so sorry i fell asleep!! how long have you been out here?!" you say in a worried voice, cupping his cold cheek.

you pulled him into the house and upstairs into your room. he sits on your bed and gives you a soft smile.. "are you okay?!?" you say while trying to catch your breath.

"im totally fine. ive just been out there for 20 minutes." he says in a sarcastic way as he chuckles to himself.

you give him a look, then a blanket as an attempt to warm him up.

"so whyre you here and not kita?" you question.

"damn" he says as he exhales through his mouth.

"its just a question?? and i barely know you and your in my house right now"

"kita jus couldnt pick you up so he asked me since i was on the way or something??"

you hum in response and walked away to the bathroom to shower.

you finish showering and find suna picking an outfit out for you. "your wearing this.. it matches my outfit." he smirks, leaning on your desk with his hands in his leather pockets.

he picks out black baggy jeans, a black long sleeve, a black hoodie, and black converse. (yes an all black outfit cuz we luv black🥶)
you got dressed in the outfit he picked out and got in his black nissan silvia s13.

you guys drove for about 30 mins, listening to music, passing a pre made back and forth with the windows down letting the cold air through the car.

you guys finally pulled up to the packed house. you parked in a different street and walked to the house.

suna opened the door for you and you walked into the packed room. you smiled at him with bloodshot eyes as you waited for suna to get into the house before pulling his hand, leading him through the crowd.

you ended up in the kitchen. squeezing through people while still holding onto sunas hand, you found the counter with all the drinks.

you took 2 shots and gave one to suna. you both cheers each other and chug the shot with no chaser.

suna found this attractive. you took the shot like it was a cup of water..
y/n found him staring right at her.

"you okay?" you said laughing and grabbing another shot, not even knowing what it was. he hummed in response before grabbing the cup that was right next to yours.

you both chugged it down, then making a disgusted face at each other. "what was that shit?" you say kinda loud so others could hear you. you both smile then laugh with each other.

it was the weed kicking in you thought to yourself but you were wrong. right but wrong. it was suna. he made the extrovert side of you come out. you felt comfortable with him.

you grab a twisted tea😜, then grabbed sunas hand once again. he didnt mind it. he liked that she was controlling. that trait was extremely ultra rare for him to find. all girls hes been with wanted to be told what to do. 

you took him out of the kitchen but soon got lost as you didnt know the layout of the house.
he then laughed softly now taking your arm and leading you to the garage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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