Grandma Rosiepuff

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To say she was confused would be a terrible understatement.

Branch is acting like a one year old.

He's four.

It's odd..

Sure, younger kids like to play house to act younger or older some times.

But even then..Branch had..

He had just stopped walking, talking, singing, pretty much everything other trollings could easily do already.

She couldn't even figure out why!

Branch babbled at her, not making any sense.

She sighed and picked him up, "What is it, Berry? Why are you acting so odd?"

He giggled and hugged her tight.

She sighed again and hugged him back, "Oh, baby...what happened to you?"

She had tried to do research, she's asked for other opinions, but no one has given them to her.

He's been like this ever since his brothers left!

Sure, he'd been late to hatch, speak, walk, sing, etc.

But that didn't mean he would just...

Just...go back!


She sighed, trying to think of how she could get him back on track.

Not knowing that this was a mental thing, something she couldn't undo.

The toddler is traumatized.

And she didn't even know.

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