Tiny Diamond

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He tilted his head, staring at Branch who's sucking his thumb.

Branch had become more like a child when the random dude showed up.

Tiny couldn't understand why.

Some times, Branch regresses, but Tiny's never seen him go this little!

He's been crawling around for goodness sake!

When Branch regresses, he can normally walk with no trouble, but now he can barely even stand up!

Granted, they're in a moving vehicle, but even Tiny can stand on his own!

Tiny hopped up next to him, "Hey, man, is something wrong?"

Branch barely glanced at him, staring at the random dude who wouldn't let Tiny or Poppy drive.

Tiny sighed, staring at Branch who was unbothered by pretty much everything right now.

He sighed again and grabbed one of Branch's fingers.

"Since you seem extra small, does this mean I finally get to be a big brother?"

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now