Riff and Sid Fret

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When Poppy told them, it was unexpected, but welcome.

In fact, they began to encourage his behavior, which honestly surprised a few trolls.

But their reasoning always stayed the same.

'He's coping.'

'He needs to cope.'

It was always one of those two, never something different.

Even as Riff pulled him into the bushes and covered his mouth, they're encouraging it.

Branch giggled as he was 'saved' from Synth.

Sid Fret kneeled down to them, "What do you say we get you back to your siblings? They can protect you better then we can." Sid Fret said, knowing that Poppy and Creek are searching for him.

Branch nodded and put a finger to his lips, "Shhhh..."

Riff nodded, "We'll be very quiet, okay?"

Branch smiled at them and began to crawl away.

For a moment, they were concerned Branch had regressed farther then they had thought, but they quickly realized that Branch was just trying to stay hidden from Synth.

Eventually, they made it to the royal pod where a worried Poppy opened the door.

She was quickly tackled by Branch.

"Shhhh, sissy! We gotta be quiet, 'kay?"

Poppy looked confused but she nodded along with him.

Sid Fret sighed and picked Branch up as Riff helped Poppy up and explained.

"Sorry, Poppy, him and Synth were playing a chasing game so he's trying to keep himself hidden."

Poppy nodded, "Well, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for telling me! We'll see you guys later."

Riff nodded and grabbed Sid Fret's wrist, dragging him out of the pod.

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now