Chapter 3- Trapped

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(Speakerwoman POV) 

I watch Brown Cameraman walk down the street behind a wall. Some cameraman run pust him with missing hands and he soon finds out the reason why. A double buzzsaw skibidi car toilet comes in and tries to slice them open. Thankfully one of the cameraman shoots his stun gun at the carand it swerves into some rubble, exploding in the process. Suddenly, a skibidi flying with 2 rocket launchers comes in and blinds the cameramen with this bright light. Brownie backs into a corner to avoid the light as the other to cameraman with him get hit with a rocket. The toilet notices this and flies into the small space and is about to shoot him

"Welp, I better save him" I thought and came out from my hiding spot. The skibidi turns to see me dancing down the streets. He blasts the white light at me which makes me stop and clap, almost in a 'ah, you got me' mocking way. He shoots his 2 rockets at me but I deflect them using a soundwave. I then put 2 knives into my speakers and use my soundwaves to shoot them into his eyes.

"WHOOOOOOO!" Screams the toilet. I jump onto hia back and he starts to fly up. I use my knives to stab his head and he falls to the ground and explodes with a faint "whooooo..." I jump off before he does soand offer my hand out to Browny.

"You okay?" I ask as he gtabs my hand and pulls himself up.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." He says and I nod at him and star dancing, listening to 'Everybody want to rule the world' on my headphones

(Browny POV)

§Timeskip to when he arives back at the base§


TheManInBrown- Browny

Justanormalcam- Clinton


Justanormalcam: Dude come quick some toilets got into the base

TheManInBrown: Where!?

Justanormalcam- Medbay, Sector #62

TheManInBrown- k omw



TeeVeeWoman- Tv Woman

Tv's_On_Top- Tyler


Tv's_On_Top: Hey Tv Woman can you help us? Some toilets got into the base

TeeVeeWoman- Sure! Where did the toilets get in?

Tv's_On_Top- Medbay, sector 62

TeeVeeWoman- Ok I'm teleporting there now


(Browny POV)

I arrive at the medbay the same time Tv Woman does, except a lot more sweaty than she is.

"They're just beyond there.". Said Clinton "Lets.go into it together as a group. The four of them walk into the room until they come across two hallways,  one leading to the childrens ward and the other leading to the sick room. 

"Me and Tyler will take the childrens ward." Said Clinton as Tyler nodded. "Will you two be okay handling the sick room?" He asked.

"Yeah" "heaY" Tv Woman and I say at the same time.

"Okay then, if we get seperated we come back here, got it?" Said Clinton.

"Got it" "ti toG" We both said in unison again. The two groups both split up and walked down the two halls. Eventually, Tv Woman and I both reach the doors for the Sick Room. We both burst in and realize there's no toilets in this room

"meht ot tropelet ll'ew ,emoC" ("Come, we'll teleport to them") Tv Woman says. I hold onto her as shetries to teleport but... fails..? We both hear giggling and turn around to see Clinton and Tyler holding the door.

"Have fun guys!" Says Clinton and closes the door, locking it.


Muahahaha cliffhanger >:)

lol guys I managed to make it to chapter four without making them confess their feelings


C U next chapter!

Robotic Feelings (Brown Cameraman x Tv Woman)Where stories live. Discover now