Chapter 8- Strings of Fate

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Again with the dream!?

This time, I'm inside what looks like the resturant me and Tv Woman are going to. Me and Tv Woman are both sitting down at a table enjoying pizza and staring into the others eyes, until a window smashes and a skibidi with mechanical arms comes and grabs me.

I could practically hear Tv Woman screaming and me yelling "HELP! HELP" at the top of my lungs. The skibidi pauses, turns in my direction I am viewing from, and then charges straight at me, all while grinning dementedly.

"WAA-ah!" I scream and sit up. Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream Brown, it wasn't real. Anyways, you have to get ready for your date with Tv Woman in the... pizza place.

I stand up, and find my Brown suit that I use for special occasions and put it on. After getting changed, I walk out of my room and go to find Tv Woman. I fjnd her chatting with Tyler about some tv buisiness

"Hey! Tv Woman!" I exclaim. She stops talking with Tyler and gaces me

"!ynworB iH" ("Hi Browny!") She says "?og ot ydaer uoy era ,syawynA !uoy no etuc skool ti ,tius eciN" ("Nice suit, it looks cute on you! Anyways, are you ready to go?")

"Yep! All ready to go!" I say "But where's Clinton?"

"ereht uoy teem ot gniog saw eh dias eH" ("He said he was going to meet you there") Says Tyler

"Alright! Lets go!" I say and we walk out of the Alliance base into the streets, unaware of the events happening next

(Speakerwoman POV)

"Come on, they're going now" Says Camerawoman "We have to follow them!"

"Okay..." I say and pick myself off the ground and start walkoing with her. Camerawoman woke me up atthe crack of dawn and took us to the top of a building to watch for when they leave.

(Brown POV)

As we arrive at the pizza place, we notice there are two pizzas placed on a table, the exact same one in my dreams... There is a note between them saying Sorry, had to go do stuff. Enjoy the pizzas! -Clinton

"Huh, I wonder what he had to do?" I say, sitting down. Tv Woman sits down opposite of me and uses the :D face. I can't help but notice that we are positined directly next to a window.

"!tae steL" ("Lets eat!") Says Tv Woman. The moment was perfect, and I felt like nothing could stop us...

And then my dream came true.

(Speakerwoman POV)

Me and Camerawoman are positioned directly above the table, with Tv Woman and Brown sitting down now. I'm holding the trap right above him, waiting for the signal from Camerawoman.

"Mmm... I want pizza..." I whisper to myself. I wonder if they would let me have some if I came down and asked them? I look at Brown.

What have I done! I thought to myself I've gone from pickup lines to kidnapping!

"Drop it on him now!" Camerawoman whisper-shouts to me. I hesitate for a second.


"What do you mean no?! Quick drop it on him and pull him up!

"No. This has gone too far, even for me"

Suddenly, a giant claw smashes through the window of the pizza place! It grabs Brown out of his chair and he starts screaming "HELP! HELP!"

(Brown POV)

"HELP! HELP!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Tv Woman is screaming angrily at the toilet who picked me up.

"Let him go now!" She is screaming. She activates her jetpack to go attack him, but he swats her out of the air like a fly. His grip on me then tightens before I black out.

(Speakerwoman POV)

"You idiot! Now Brown and all of us are doomed!" Camerawoman yells at me

"B-but I thought you wanted to make him your boyfriend?" I stutter

"What? Seriously?" I nod my head "There are much easier ways to do that! Now the toilets have all they need to destroy us!"

"Well then... who is the villain?"

(Brown POV)

I wake up and I seem to be strapped to some sort of table, with a lazer cannon facing towards me. Some toilets enter the room and I hear a familiar voice on the loudspeakers say:

"Begin the operation of extracting the energy!" It booms. The toilets press some buttons and start powering up the laser.



"Can this laser hurry up?"





The laser, finished charging, fires a red beam directly into my chest. It feels cold, and also like a part of me is being pulled out of my body. A sensitive part.

"Ah! So cold!" I yell "HELP!"

But there's no-one there.


Not even Tv Woman.

Not even Tyler.

Not even... Clinton?


Word count- 754

I am ending this book on chapter 10, comment any sugestions if you want more chapters

(first person to comment the traitor wins a prize!)


C u next chapter!

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