Chapter 5 A Woman's Scorn

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At the stroke of 10:00 am, the urgency to babysit for Mr. Johnson propelled me to his house. My excitement to see baby John, with his enchanting ocean blue eyes, filled my heart with warmth. Armed with a key to the Johnson's back door, I couldn't help but picture the delight on Baby John's face as I walked in. As I inserted the key, the door swung open with unexpected force, revealing a hurried Mr. Johnson, his words rushing out like a torrent over Niagara Falls.

"Hey Vanessa, I'm in a big rush right now. I left some extra cash on the counter for John and you. I'll be gone for the weekend. You don't mind staying the weekend, do you?"

"I don't mind. I could stay with baby John."

A relieved breath escaped him. "Wonderful, John adores you. If anything happens, you have my and Sophia's phone numbers." And without a backward glance, he shouted, "Bye, John. I adore you, son."

As Mr. Johnson dashed out, I cradled John and gazed out the window. Oddly, I noticed Mrs. Delagarza stuffing a bag into a red car with an intensity that hinted at avoidance. A shock coursed through me as she backed out of the driveway. "What the hell!" I exclaimed, unintentionally startling John. "Oops, I'm sorry, John."

Minutes later, Sophia arrived, sprinting through the door with a palpable urgency. "Vanessa," she panted, "where is he?"

"Mr. Johnson?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Oh, um...he said he was going on a weekend trip or something," I responded weakly.

"His phone is going to voicemail," she said rapidly. "Did you see what kinda car he got in?"

"No, but the color of the car was red."

"I just know he's cheating on me," she said in a defeated voice. "A woman knows when a man is cheating. It starts with fewer conversations, leaving late from work, and late texts and phone calls."

Witnessing Sophia's anguish, her eyes filled with pain and blood vessels pulsating across her brow, I could feel the weight of her distress. "Vanessa, I'm going to go out with a friend. Are you fine with staying here with John?"

"Yes, Of course, I am. What time will you be coming back?"

"I don't know." Sophia stormed out, her rage palpable, not even sparing a glance for her son.

Turning my attention back to John, I couldn't help but marvel at his innocent laughter, his hands swaying in delight. Was this Dorris's spirit playing with him? Memories flooded in of Dorris and me, babysitting and sharing mischievous adventures with neighborhood twins Susane and Sara. A sudden flashback to a high school party gone awry, with cops and chaotic escapades, added to the flood of reminiscences. Contemplating a visit to Susane and Sara, the desire to share tales of the mysterious bridge intertwined with the intrigue of uncovering more secrets. The weekend loomed ahead, full of questions and the quest for the next offering.

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