DFH 28

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"You took your damn sweet time I see "His father spat as he closed his folder and looked up at him from where he sat behind his polished mahogany desk.

This was his second time in his father's office and walking into the big building with everyone watching him like he was the next king of the country irked him so much he almost turned back and went home.

Minho threw the envelope on his desk and shoved his hands back in his pocket, stubbornly standing on the other side of his desk even though there was enough chairs for him to sit on.

"You should have at least wore something decent. Don't forget you're representing my name"His father grimaced at Minho's dark jeans, leather jacket and boots. His hair was hidden under his black cap but the long tresses still showed from the sides and back. He was very much aware of how underdressed he was for the current situation and he didn't care.

"None of your fucking concern what I wear and I'm not representing no fucking joke."Minho told him.

His father sighed and opened the envelope. Minho watched his expression remain the same as he read through it.

He scoffed."I knew you'd come around and use your head. But I must say I'm a little impressed. If you think about it, you're agreeing to abandon your mother for that fag you're dating. Would have never thought you had it in you."

Minho's jaw clenched as he fought the urge to connect his fist with the man's face."You can insult me all you want, I'm desensitized to it anyways but don't fucking call him that. He doesn't deserve that from a piece of shit like you."

His eyes darkened."Watch your mouth"

"Watch yours."Minho shot back.

"Are you embarrassed at how shameless you just realized you are."

"You seem to have the wrong idea here. I didn't get mom to sign these for Jisung or to abandon her.I'm not like you who can just easily discard their own blood for a hypocritic image or a love interest but one thing I will admit is that you and I are similar when it comes to getting what we want by whatever means."

"My mom is getting out in a year. I'm still a Uni student and can't afford to take care of her when she does. So the only solution here is to make use of what's there. A father who wouldn't mind spending money to win someone's favor and your biological son who's in need of that money. Quite a perfect match aren't we?"Minho smirked.

"What are you getting at?"His father seethed.

"A year is enough for me. Get a house, save enough cash to get myself a dance studio and many more that this contract has to offer."

He stood up ."So you're shamelessly telling me you're only here for my hard earned money?"

"Of course. What other reason would there be? Did you seriously think I was going to cut ties with my mother like that?"

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