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1 year later.......

"You were a little bit harsh today. What's going on?"Seungmin handed Jisung a bottle of water.

Jisung twisted the cap open and chugged down all of it at one go. They were currently walking out the exit of the studio to his car.

Minho had his own dance studio now where he was a professional choreographer and taught students. Jisung was obviously working at his father's company as a director but with his level of skill in dancing now, he helped Minho with the teaching when he couldn't make it and was too busy.

Felix squinted his eyes."Bet 100 dollars it has to do with Minho."

Seungmin scoffed."Oh it definitely is."

"He's been cold with me for a week now."Jisung admitted.

"His episodes again?"Felix questioned.

He nodded, stopping in front of the car to pull out the keys from his pocket.

Seungmin sighed, opening the passenger door and getting in because he was always strict about riding shotgun."I really don't know how you do it. It was just two months ago when he kicked you out, broke up with you, only to come camp out at our house a few days later wanting you back."

"I wasn't...it wasn't really a breakup. We had an argument and he said he needed space."Jisung defended.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, closing the door."Space my ass. He was crying at our doorstep thinking he lost you for good when I didn't let him in."

"God you were so bad for that though."Felix hopped in the back.

Jisung got in the driver's seat and started the car."He'll come around. He always does."

"The patience you have is amazing."Seungmin said.

"It's not about patience Minnie. He just loves him so much that things like this don't faze or bother him."Felix explained.

"Yeah sure. Whatever."

Felix pursed his lips."You're being a little bitch again. You need to get dicked down."

"Oh my god Lix."Jisung cringed.

"Who said I'm not getting dicked down?"Seungmin snapped.

"Your pissy attitude makes it obvious."Felix shot back.

"Fuck you."

Felix shook his head."Two is enough for me."

"What happened with the blind date?"Jisung pulled out the parking lot.

Seungmin grimaced."He was a birdbrain. I don't like dumb fucks. They turn me off."

Jisung frowned."How would you even know that? Did...did you quiz him or something?"

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