A letter my fairychild

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Write a letter to someone sharing a few insights which took you a while to realize.

Dear child,

I want to remind you that you are loved. You are important. You're a part of this beautiful wonder world so do not doubt yourself.

Since it's the New Year, I want to share some things I've experienced and learnt over the course of time.

Here goes nothing:

One. People around you will celebrate festivals, events, special days and more. Sometimes you may not feel the energy in your being. You may feel like you're missing out on something. It's ok to feel like that but don't let their stories affect you. Do whatever you want, do whatever is good for you. You don't need to celebrate once in a while, celebrate everyday, slowly as you start appreciating life.

Two. New Years and resolutions go hand-in-hand. The festive mood inspires you and you set up very high goals. You manage to follow it for a while and then something comes up and you can't do it anymore. That's fine. These are hurdles and you're supposed to get over them. Do not let it stop you but also remember to be patient with yourself and take small steps.

Three. Everyone around will talk about their wonderful resolutions. So will you. Or maybe not. If you don't, do not let their achievements or joy affect you. Do not think of yourself as a lesser being. Remember that you don't need special days to start. Start doing whatever you want, whenever, wherever you want. Perfect timing is a myth. And so when you see their goals, remember that you too are fulfilling your goals, goals you set when you were comfortable and not because of the pressure of a new year or your community.

Take all of these points into consideration. And try to be your authentic self, you'll feel contented.

I wish  you success and peace.

Your fairy godmother.


If you could tell something to your younger self what would you say?

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