Through a Poet's Mind

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Describe the transient nature of life through a metaphor.

The dark remnants of the night faded away
As the spectrum of brightness flooded in
A faint dullness of blue,
With undertones of red
And hidden between the tangled hues
Crept a bright yellow
As if it were Mercury's legacy .

Beneath the chaotic sky
Stood a vast stretch of green soldiers-
Clumps of basil (the colour)
And revolting forest green,
Often misshaped like a phantom of grey,
Soft ferns,
Tendrils like those of a matron,
And vibrant spikes-
Oh so bright!
Oh so lovely!

A sheet of dust held on to the dry leaf,
Waiting for the drop,
For it was scarce;
The feathery dandelions danced,
As their inevitable future arrived
One completely different from the resting stage-
Only to be carried away by the warmth of Zephyr.
And far East,
A rusty brown witnessed the journey
Awaiting to retain its past glory
As a raven flew by,
Dancing with the wind.

A droplet sat on a grass blade
So stealthily, full of perfection
Full of life,
Full of purity
Like the globe of its origin.
And then a gust of wind blew
Pushing it,
Allowing it to fall freely,
Softly- as if it were held by invisible strings.
And after two moments of stillness
Iris clambered upon it
Only to disappear when it met the Earth:
For her work was done
And so the drop trickled,
Deep into its roots
Enriching the soil,
And enabling innumerable lives
Far away from its usual nature of frigidity.

What a beautiful delight!
Said my mind
As the silence wavered
By the chirping conversations of heritage
And I could hear somewhere from within
The babe calling for the want of protection.

I walked away with the fragmented remnants
For I knew that was a sight for sore eyes
Which would not choose to grace the tired
But only those who chose to accept its comfort
With a keen heart-
Overriding their consciousness.

What emotion do you feel when you read this?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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