Bakugo POV:

School was whatever today. All we did was talk about summer break even though we were together most of the time. "I need to become friends with Shoto." Mina said to everyone after we finished one of the conversations. "Are you guys still on this?! Just get over it!" I yelled at them.


We just talked and walked over to the room we always did all of our homework still at school. This was basically what a daily after school routine looked like for us. "I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Mina exclaimed, again. "Oh my God, can you just shut the fuck up! She's probably some stuck up rich kid!" Everyone was not too shocked about me lashing out but normally it wasn't about something this little. "I'm sure she's nice." Kirishima muttered. I rolled my eyes and we continued to work.

After we had all finished as much as we could which was literally nothing because all we got were get to know me sheets, we all packed up and stepped outside into the warm weather. I was wearing a thin jacket but it was whatever. Luckily it wasn't too hot. "Do you guys want to go to McDonald's?" Mina asked, smirking, saying it as if we didn't really have a choice. This was a tradition of ours, and even if we didn't get anything we still would hang out around the restaurant. There was a park nearby and a few shops if we got there early enough. Regardless, I still had so much fun, even if I didn't show it that much. Kaminari being stupid, Jirou feeding into his stupidness, Mina being the root of all jokes and laughter, and Kirishima, my best friend. I've known him since forever, and I tell him a lot of stuff. When we have these little hangouts, I genuinely laugh which is typically really rare. "Duh!" Kaminari squealed, breaking me from my thoughts. I probably had just enough money. We all ran to the restaurant and ordered small things. We were all just broke teenagers just having fun.



After we all noticed the time, we walked out of the parking lot as a group and dispersed after we all went different ways. My walk home wasn't bad, it was only ten minutes, it was pitch black though. When I made sure that no one from the band was near me anymore, I went on Instagram and searched up 'Shoto Todoroki.' There were a lot of model pictures but I also found her personal Instagram. Damnit, she had a private account. I saw the picture Mina showed us when I had just ended up looking at the professional pictures. I properly analyzed the photo now that none of my bandmates were hanging off of my shoulder. I noticed her perfectly split hair, her dual coloured eyes, and her lightly tinted cheeks.

I turned my phone off when I caught myself. What the fuck was I doing? I cursed at myself and paid attention to my walk. I pulled out my wired earbuds that were hanging out of my jacket pocket and plugged them into my phone. I played some music to get my mind off of some things. It really bothered me that the group seemed as if they didn't care about the Spring Showcase. The Spring Showcase goes on for three days and it starts with performing for the students during the school day and for anyone else in the evening. You spend the entire time of the fall semester writing and composing and whatever other shit you do. You need to finish the first half of preparation by the end of term. That ends up being part of your final grade for the semester. You spend every single month until the Showcase in the spring to practice and perfect your pieces, but all my band cared about was Shoto. She really was going to ruin the rest of my time at UA. Rich kids pissed me off so bad. They just got handed everything on a silver platter. This whole Showcase meant everything to me. There were going to be college scouts and other prestigious schools there and I wanted to get noticed so I was putting my all into thinking about the Showcase. They just didn't get it. My parent's don't really have the money to afford college tuition so I want to try and get in with some sort of scholarship. I don't really show this to my parents much but I really do want to make them and my sister proud.

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