So long and goodnight

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Jasey's POV
*beep beep*
I open my eyes timidly and look over at my alarm clock. 6:30 am.Ugh not again. Time for another day of hell (school). My name is Jasey Rae Rose, i'm a 17 year old girl and i have short wavy dark-brown hair and dark green eyes. Im not too short but not too tall either; just around 5'5 since i last measured my height. I love music and i can play the guitar, piano and drums currently. My favourite subject in school is science and music and i thankfully have those classes today. I slowly get up but im still really tired from staying up until 1 am watching School Of Rock for the ninth time. Dont judge, Theres nothing else to do around here. I walk over to my window and open the blinds, wishing to see sunshine and hear birds chirping but just like always, all i see is gloomy skies, broken concrete, and the loud, annoying sound of construction. Im still wondering how it doesnt wake me up before my alarm everyday. Yay perks of living in a broken town. Before walking down the stairs i decide to peek in my parents room. Just like i expected- they're gone. Probably some "business trip" or whatever always takes up most of their time. I walk down the stairs sighing and eat some cereal in my kitchen, then walk back upstairs. For today's outfit i settled on red skinny jeans, a black p!atd t-shirt, and black vans. I dont usually wear a lot of makeup, just a bit of mascara and i usually end up sweeping some black eyeliner on my bottom waterline. I never really do anything special with my hair, only comb it and leave it natural. When i finish getting ready its around 7:30 and right on time, my best friend, Helena, texts me.
Helena: Im waiting outside.
Jasey: Okiee see you, so long and goodnight
Helena: do you always have to say that, its not even night time its 7 fucking am
Jasey: haha sorry not my fault your name is from an mcr song
Helena: can we talk about this later, we're going to be late

Haha, yea im THAT annoying friend. I put my phone in my pocket, grab my backpack and walk out of my house and lock the door. Its a one and a half storey house. Just like my height, not huge but a cute kinda small. We have a lot of plants and flowers around our front porch, which once again, i have no idea how they survive since no one waters them ever and the amount of pollution from construction could kill a small animal.

I get into Helena's silver van and put my seatbelt on. "You're so lucky you can drive" i say, setting my bag down between my feet. "Your fault you chickened out of your drivers test" she laughed while starting to drive to school. I had nothing to say since what she said was true- i was too scared to even take the test- so i laughed too. Most of the ride to school was silent, i just looked out the car window. Even though this place seems lifeless, its swarming with people. Children running around, parents running after them. After all, we're just a small town in la that probably should have an economy check soon, and i mean real soon. This place looks like a haunted house;Graffiti and broken cars everywhere. My thoughts were interrupted by the jolt of the car stopping. I grab my bag and me and Helena step out of her car and start walking into our surprisingly huge school- like i said this town is really confusing. Helena is one year older than me, meaning shes already a senior. Im really going to miss her next year, but we will definitely keep in touch since both of our dream jobs are to be doctors, hence why one of my favourite subjects is science. Me and her have been best friends for as long as i could remember, maybe even birth. Our parents used to go to work together and someway or another we met. Helena is a bit more on the girly side than me but we both like the same genre of music which is cool. She has long straight light pink dyed hair and dark blue eyes. She is a bit taller than me, maybe by about an inch or so.
Once we get inside we have to split since our classes are on different floors. "k bye gerard way, see you at lunch" she says and starts walking towards the stairs. "bye mcr song title" i yell back.
I quickly walk over to my locker to get my science textbook, which coincidently is right beside my other best friend-Damon Fizzy. He's also 17 and recently started his youtube channel. Im really surprised about how many subscribers he already has, but im so happy for him. He is really popular amongst the girls in our school. I wouldnt blame them though, i mean he is my best friend and all but you've got to admit, he is pretty good looking. Brown hair styled in an almost scene haircut and green eyes. I shut my locker once i got my books and ironically, to my right, damon is there making a funny face. I start laughing making him laugh too. "Hai best friendd" he says in his common girl accent. "hey daydon, shall we walk to science?" I ask since we have ALL the same classes this semester. "Yes, we shall" he says chaining arms with me and walking funny. "Why are you walking like that" i giggle. "Umm, why arent you?!" he says in an obvious tone. Seconds later we both start laughing until a head pops out of the science classroom. "Hey keep it down you two. You're good students but i wont hesitant to give you detention all week!" Mrs. Layla, our science professor, scolds. "oh shit" i say looking over at damon, "that was a close one"i say, relaxing. "Yea i know"
"Language!" Mrs.Layla yells peeking out before shutting the door. "Well today has been great so far" i laugh.

*skips to lunch*
Science was fun, i also had math which kinda sucked and history which im horrible at but its finally lunch. I walked into the cafeteria searching through everyone to find my friends. Me, Damon, Helena almost always sit together at lunch but for some reason i couldnt find them today. Thats weird. I turned my head and saw the popular table which consisted of Kellin,the football team captain with long dark brown hair and green eyes, kyle, the smart ass that aces any and every test, Lindsey, the common slutty chick with blond hair, blue eyes and a horribly revealing outfit, and finally johnnie, the kid with black scene-style hair and bright ocean blue eyes. Kyle is the one that catches my eye most of the time because he seems different from the rest of the "populars". He has large kind brown eyes and light brown hair. No, i dont have a crush on him. I hate crushing on people i know i cant have because my heart can only take so much before it gets hurt.
I came to the conclusion i had no one to sit with so i decided to sit on the stairs in the hallway outside the cafeteria. I dont really have much of an appetite for lunch so i just plug in my headphones and play some Bring Me The Horizon while reading through my math notes. Why not get a head start, im really trying to work hard and get good grades this year. After a while of reading through some equations, i felt a tap on my shoulder and took out my headphones. I turn around to see drake and braden- two of my other close friends. Drake has long dark brown hair with a blond streak in his bangs and striking green eyes. He is wearing a fuzzy hat and a black t-shirt. Braden has long black hair with a bit shaved off on one side and blue eyes. He's wearing a pierce the veil tank top. "Hey Jasey, what are you up to...on the stairs" drake laughs and sits down beside me. "Yea, you usually sit with damon and helena. Where are they?" Braden says sitting on the other side. "Im not sure, i couldnt find them or anywhere else to sit so i decided to come here". "Well if you're ever alone, you can sit with us you know" drake says. "I know i know" i laugh. "HOW DARE YOU, I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU LYING BITCH" I hear helena yelling and walking fast through the doors coming from outside. "Come on , you just have to listen to me!" Damon says running after her. "Oh, thats why you couldnt find them" braden says. I laugh nervously. "Yea im going to go see what happens before one of them throws the other out a window or something so ill see you guys later" i tell them getting up and grabbing my things. "Okay, good luck" drake says hugging me. "You'll need it" braden adds hugging me too before i start running after my friends.

A/N: I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS FANFICTION. Im still new to writing them so hopefully this one will be interesting. This first chapter mainly just introduces you to all the characters though. What do you think?

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