Drama Solved

17 2 1

Jasey's POV
I caught up to my best friends and Helena literally pinned Damon to the lockers. I felt bad for him, he looked pretty scared. I mean i would be too, Helena's famous for being able to beat anyone at arm wrestling. "HOW COULD YOU DAMON" Helena screams. "CAN YOU STOP AND HEAR ME OUT FOR A SECOND!?" He yelled back equally as loud. "WHAT IS GOING ON CALM DOWN" I yelled. Both their heads turned in sync to me. "When did you get here?" Helena asked. "I followed you guys, look, can you just tell me what happened before someone gets hurt?" I said calmly. Helena lets go of him and walks back, crossing her arms. "Well, this bastard kissed my little sister. SHE'S IN 9TH FUCKING GRADE ARE YOU INSANE" she turns back to him. "IT WASNT MY FAULT" damon yells back. "HOW COULD IT NOT BE-" They were both cut off by Sabrina, Helena's little sister, jumping out from behind the end of a locker. "STOP HELENA" She yelled pushing her away. "No im not going to stop-" "I KISSED HIM OKAY. I CAME TO APOLOGIZE BUT I SAW YOU GUYS FIGHTING. Look he's me and my friend's favourite youtuber and i wanted to be cool so i kissed him." Sabrina confessed looking down. "Im sorry damon, i didnt mean to cause you trouble. "Its fine" he says quietly before she ran away. There was a moment of silence before Helena engulfed Damon in a huge hug. "IM SO SORRY I WAS ONLY TRYING TO WATCH OUT FOR MY SISTER" Helena pleaded. "Its okay, but please if you're mad at me, only yell and not try to kill me in the process" he laughed. "I promise i wont" Helena said getting off him. "yay problem solved"i said pretending to applause as the bell rings for our classes to begin.

*end of the day*
Finally! The end of the day. I quickly packed my bag with all my textbooks and homework and shut my locker. I usually take the bus home so i went outside and found my bus. Unfortunately, since Helena, and Braden are older and drive home, and Drake and Damon walk home, so i usually just sit alone because not many people like me at this school.After i got in the bus, i sat in my usual seat and began looking out the window until i felt the seat sink and someone next to me. I instantly started getting nervous before turning around to see who it is and i see Johnnie's blue eyes in front of me. "Umm hi" i say confused to why a popular just sat next to me. "Hey" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Here, take this" he said before handing me a piece of folded paper. He smiled a genuine smile before getting up and sitting with his friends as the bus started moving. Okay this is really weird, something is definitely wrong here. I slowly unfolded the paper and began to ready it timidly.
"Hi, its johnnie. Im assuming you know who i am because if you dont than this is awkward. Anyways i was wondering if i could talk to you tomorrow. Meet me in the main hallway at lunch?"
Oh. My. God. I mean i guess im not complaining because he seems like a really nice guy-funny, cute, smart, but why does HE want to talk to ME. Ugh im not sure. I folded the paper back up and put it in my back. I just looked out the window witnessing the same sceneries as this morning until i got home.
*arrived at home*
I got my bag and walked off the bus. I grabbed my key and unlocked the door. Empty as i expected. I signed locking the door and putting my bag down. Im not much of a chef, my brother, Josh, used to always help me but he's moved out with his girlfriend, Mary and he's always too busy with college to talk to me anymore. I took a instant mac and cheese cup from the cupboard and put it in the microwave to cook. After a couple minutes i took it out and plopped it on a plate. "yay dinner" i mumbled. After i was finished eating and washing the dishes, i sat for a couple hours finishing all my homework. After i was finished, i started putting my books back in my backpack when i saw the note johnnie gave me and pulled it out and read it again. Im sure its just a dare his friends told him to do just to embarrass me i thought and stuffed it back in my bag and zipped it up. Finally, free time. I took a quick shower and laid on my bed grabbing my phone. There were two message notifications.
Daydon: Hey Jay. Whats up?
Drakeeee: hiii Jasey. Im having a party at my house in celebration of my new album this saturday and you're invited:)
I quickly replied
Nothing much, just bored. wbu

Sure! Ill be there
i texted drake and damon for a bit before going to sleep a little early since i was tired. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

A/N: Hope you guys are liking the fanfiction so far

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