When they get nightmares

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Ratigan snorted awake when he felt someone tugging his tail slightly. He yawned and turned over, sleepily opening his eyes and seeing Harper standing there. Her messy black and white fur in her eyes. "What is it?" Ratigan mumbled wondering what she wanted so badly that he had to be awake.

"y-you're not gonna get rid of me, right? I won't eat too much a-and I'll be sure to just need the bare minimum so that you can have enough resources for the others, and-!" Harper was starting to ramble as Ratigan slowly sat up and looked at her. He put a hand on her mouth to make her stop talking before he took it away. "What are you even talking about?" He asked still sleepy but not understanding what she was going on about.

"I had a bad dream..........You got rid of me because there wasn't enough food for the others, and I was taking up too much of your time" Harper said softly looking down. She had a few abandonment issues when she found out about why her parents gave her away. She was happy with Ratigan though and saw him as her father, her family, someone who loved her unconditionally.

Ratigan stared for what seemed like forever before gently picking her up and sitting her down next to him on the bed. "oh, my dear sweet mouse, those other men are worthless to me, I'd feed them all to Felicia, buffet-style before I'd ever even think about getting rid of you" He said softly. "How could you think that I'd get rid of you?" He asked.

Harper looked down, "cause my last parents did...........They gave me away to you because I was a burden, I was taking too much, I-I couldn't control it, I was a baby" She sniffled as tears welled up.

"Those parents of yours are simply irresponsible, who has that many children when they know they can't afford it? But I'm glad that they gave you to me instead of leaving you on the street to just die. You're my perfect little mouse and I'd rather die than get rid of you, remember that" Ratigan said tapping her nose and making her smile.

"now, off back to bed" Ratigan yawned turning over to sleep. A few minutes went by before he opened his eyes again, "you're not going back to your own bed tonight, are you?" Ratigan asked.

"Nope" Harper smiled already starting to sleep, hugging her father's tail happily.


Chernabog snored loudly within his wings as the sun shone brightly outside, it was the middle of the day as he and his daughter were deep asleep, getting their rest for the night later. Usually, the day was peaceful and went by without much waking up. But today was different, Chernabog was slowly stirring from his slumber as he felt Bellona moving a lot, or rather, trembling a lot. He opened his eyes and looked down, seeing her perching as usual, pressed up against his ankle, inside of her own wings which were finally big enough to cover her when sleeping, but the thing was, she was shaking like a leaf. Was she cold? was there too much sunlight? there shouldn't be, his wings were big enough to cover them into almost total darkness, their eyes could see perfectly well in the dark.

He was a little shocked, usually his child was a good sleeper, she should be exhausted, she played with Rain almost night. He decided to find out the matter for himself, he reached down with one hand and poked her wings.

Bellona suddenly fell out of her huddled position and frantically looked around, now awake, wings flapping slightly as she panted in panic before she slowly relaxed and calmed down. "Bellona" the voice of her father came from above as she looked up at him. "What is wrong, my child?" He asked as he could see terrified tears pricking her eyes.

"oh, father, it was awful! I had a dream, a really bad dream, we were in this sunny flower filled meadow, people were smiling at us and giving us things and making conversation, no one was afraid! and what was worse, was we were happy with it! we were enjoying the sun, we were in bright colors! there wasn't any fire anywhere!" Bellona sobbed, Rain noticed her owner's distress and walked over, sniffing and nudging her face, licking her tears.

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