Bill Sykes catch up

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They meet them/They're born

Sykes rubbed his temples in annoyance, hearing another person that he made a loan to blabber on and on, making excuses galore about why they don't have his money over the phone.

"Shut him up and give him what's due" He said through the phone to his henchman who would carry out punishments for people who, for some reason, found it difficult to pay back the money that he gave them. The phone was hung up, but not before the sickening crunch of a broken thumb could be heard along with part of the scream from the client.

Sykes leaned back in his chair, picking up a cigar and lighting it. But before he could get a good puff in to relax, a harsh knock came at the door of his warehouse. He sighed in annoyance, and checked his security cameras. His annoyance only grew when he saw what was there.

He threw out the cigar, got up from his chair and walked to the door, taking out and prepping his gun. He opened the door and immediately looked down. There, sitting on the cement step, was a paper shopping bag with handle and it was moving.

Sykes already knew what this was as he's seen this type of event a lot around the city but he never expected his doorstep to be a location. The bag flinched and moved more when he picked it up and took it inside, shutting the door behind him.

He sat down at his desk, put the bag on the desk and just sort of stared for a moment in silence

"odd drop off point" Sykes rumbled softly before putting his hands into the bag and pulling out..................a baby, a baby girl to be exact, looking about 2 months old, swaddled in a blanket initially but had freed her arms long before now. She had a light skin tone with a tuft of pale blonde hair on top of her head. Skyes's face barely flinched as he was used to people around the city abandoning babies that they weren't prepared to take care of. He did not expect one to end up at his doorstep though, there had to be a reason.

Skyes held the baby in one arm and looked in the bag, seeing a note. He opened it and read it.

"Take your brat, you d*ck! You've ruined a marriage and ruined my life! This is Karma coming back to bite you and-"

Skyes sort of stopped reading at that point and just looked at the baby. She was his? He tried to rack his brain and think for a moment, that's when the baby opened their blue eyes, blinking softly and looking around before making eye contact with him.

The eyes, of course! He remembered everything now, about a year ago, give or take, he had a client who was terrible at paying his debt and Skyes was initially going to hurt him or kill him like he did with others after a month of no payments happened. But the man's wife had offered herself as a payment, Skyes took the chance, he still hurt the man of course but not until after he got to lay with the wife and if he remembered correctly, the woman had the biggest blue eyes he's ever seen on someone. The baby was spitting image of her along with his own features.

He had a daughter.........


"what am I doing?" Skyes thought to himself as he sat up for the fifth time that night to feed his daughter. It's been about a few months since he found out he had a daughter, any person who was like him would've probably dropped her off at the nearest adoption agency the minute they found her but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to do it. It disgusted him in a way, why was he taking care of this tiny human? He doesn't take care of people, that's not his thing. He got up, prepared a warm bottle and trudged to the baby's room which was really just an extra room that he managed to fill with a few things that a baby would need. He walked over to the makeshift crib, looking down at the infant who was not happy. The baby girl's little lips were pouted, her forehead scrunched up and her little fists balled up.

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