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Matt fell into a coughing fit while he was attempting to eat his toast. He had said he wasn't hungry. He had no fever or anything but he said he felt like shit. Chris didn't know if he believed it or not, but he decided to go through with it.

Nick had already said that Matt wasn't going to the meeting they had to attend, he was not risking anything. 

"How are we gonna get there if we don't have a driver?" Chris asked, putting on his shoes and finding a cap to put on his head.

"Matt can you drive us there, Madi can drop us off here later" Nick turned to Matt, seeing that as their only solution. 

Matt nodded. So much for staying home. Kids need to get their licenses already. 

They left around two o'clock, knowing Lana finished school about three and they would be home around five, at the latest. They needed to do some shopping anyway. 

The meeting was the equivalent of a math class for Chris. He had nothing to add, nothing to say, and nothing to do. It was an hour and a half of pure torture. 

Once they were finished, Nick and Chris walked to the shopping centre, it was a block away anyway. 

They needed to buy a birthday present and some other random stuff. 

They had finally brought everything when Chris walked by a jeweller. "Nick, I need to check out something real quick, I'll catch up to you later" Chris waved off Nick as he walked into the jewellery store. 

He had noticed a tiny detail about Lana. She had this necklace she never took off until one day it was gone. He thought she had lost it and was unable to find it, considering it had been a couple of days since he had last seen it on her. 

He thought it would be a cute idea to buy her a new necklace, something new to replace the old one. 

None stood out to him as he looked. The one she had on was a silver chain with a little pearl in the middle. Chris assumed she liked the ocean but he wasn't that sure. 

After a couple more minutes of looking, he found the one. 

It was a silver chain again, but this time it had a little sapphire in the middle of it. It kind of looked like the colour of her eyes. (No emerald green beauties. iykyk) 

Chris quickly purchased it and caught up to Nick, who was in line for some fast food place that sells Acai Bowls. 

Even though it felt like a five-minute shop, they left the shopping centre at four thirty, meaning by the time they got home it would be fiveish. Hopefully, Matt was feeling better, they wanted to film a car video today. 

Madi and Laura drove Nick and Chris home and dropped them off at the front. They had somewhere to be. 

"Oh Nate must be here" Nick pointed out Nate's car, parked next to Lana's. 

"Matt must have gotten better if Nate is here," Chris said, walking down the driveway. 

Nick nodded in realisation, "He wasn't sick wasn't he" 

Chris shaked his head. "Nop. He faked, again" 

Chris opened the door silently, wanting to scare Lana with a kiss, and freak out Matt and Nate. 

He gripped Lana's present in his hand as he snuck up the staircase. 

What he expected to see was Matt and Nate lounging on the couch or eating and Lana doing homework. 

Not Lana eating Matt's face. 

"What the fuck" Chris screamed, dropping Lana's bag. 

Matt pulled away quickly from Lana, wincing at the sudden movement. 

"Your girlfriend is a psychopath" Matt yelled half in shock, half in amazement at how good that kiss just was. 

Chris was too taken aback by what he had just seen to answer. 

"Well I'm gonna go" Nate tried to leave but Lana stopped him in his tracks. "What is your phone number?" 

"I am not giving you my phone number," Nate said, trying to get past Lana. 

"I will throw you down this staircase if you don't give me that phone number, Nathen. What is that name anyway? What is your full name, Nathanial? Please" Lana said, her bitchy side taking over. 

Nate handed Lana his phone to type her phone number in. He was aware of how strong this girl was. "And let me guess. Your full name is Alannah?" 

Lana shook her head. "Nop, just Lana". She handed Nate back his phone, "Now please leave so I can do some business with these triplets here" 

Nate ran out of the house while Lana focused her attention back on the triplets. 

Chris was yelling at Matt. 

"Lana kissed me dammit" Matt screamed. Lana walked over and hit Matt in the back, with her casted hand, right where he fell when Lana dragged him out of bed.

Matt winced again, nearly crying from the pain. He kept the tears in though. My back hurts so much what the fuck. 

"Why would you kiss my girlfriend Matt? What kind of brother are you? I know you like her but I'm dating her. What was that for?" Chris screeched. He pulled Lana in and she placed her head on his shoulder.

Nick sat on the couch with a bag of pretzels. 

Matt wanted to cry. "I didn't kiss her!" 

"Well that wasn't exactly talking" 

A single tear fell down Matt's face, he wiped it off. "Lana kissed me first. I did nothing" 

Lana came out of Chris's grip walked over to Matt and patted him on the back, where he was injured with her casted hand. "It's ok Matt. I'll deal with Chris. You can jump off a bridge now for lying to me when I asked if you liked me. How dare you lie?" She patted him harder on the back. 

Matt walked out of the room, very slowly, his back was killing him. He walked up to Nick's room, knowing that Lana wouldn't drag him down a staircase. 

Nick noticed the snail's pace and decided to go up with Matt. He didn't need to see Lana and Chris talk out whatever they were about to talk out anyway. 

Chris walked over and picked up the bag off the floor. 

"Was that for me?" Lana gave Chris the puppy eyes. 

Chris nodded sadly. 

"If I kiss you will you forgive me?" Lana whined. 

The kiss lasted five minutes. 

My Life With The Sturniolo TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now