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Romantic Traveling

Hana ate at her future in-laws.

Not long after, Shinichi slammed his chopsticks down, causing chopsticks and noodles to erupt in a chaotic symphony on the dinner table. "And they're basically writing their own love story! Side-by-side, laughing, under the freaking sunset!"

Shiro Sakurai, sipping his miso soup with practiced serenity, managed a chuckle. "Ah, young love again. Remember when you and Hana-"

"Dad!" Shinichi, cheeks burning scarlet, cut him off. "That's different! We met at the library, discussing Dostoevsky, not... not playing frisbee in the park like teenagers!"

Nodoka, Shinichi's younger sister and resident gossip queen, giggled from her seat next to Haruko Sakurai, the always even-keeled matriarch of the house. "But Shinichi-kun, maybe you should take some notes! Operation: Charm the Black Diamond seems to be working wonders for Kiri-kun."

Shinichi groaned. "Operation what-now? And please, spare me the Uzaki family rom-com titles. I just want my girlfriend to look at me the way Kiri looks at Black Diamond!"

Haruko sighed dramatically. "Oh, honey, love isn't a competition. And Hana, your faces were practically glued together at that movie last week. How blind can you be?"

Hana mumbled something about Shinichi having the emotional depth of a teaspoon, while Shinichi countered with something about Hana's love language being exclusively physical touch, if not physical attacks. Nodoka, meanwhile, munched on her noodles, reveling in the delightful domestic squabble unfolding before her.

Shiro, ever the wise patriarch, leaned back in his chair. "Perhaps," he said with a twinkle in his eye, "The battshitery called Operation: Charm the Black Diamond isn't just for Kiris and Rukas. Maybe, it can inspire some fresh starts for all of us."

And so, Operation: Charm the Black Diamond (now affectionately dubbed Operation: Rekindle the Flame) commenced.

 Shinichi attempted to use his grand gestures to Kiri (accidentally booking tickets to an opera instead of an action movie), romantic picnics to Ruka (ending in a rainstorm and muddy sneakers), and whispered poetry (tragically interrupted by Nodoka's enthusiastic announcement of her cat's new litter, well middle schooler she is.).

Hana, initially skeptical, found herself touched by Shinichi's clumsy efforts. The opera may have been confusing, the picnic messy, and the poetry poorly timed, but through it all, she saw a genuine desire to reconnect, to reignite the spark that had dimmed over time.

One evening, after a particularly disastrous attempt at recreating Kiri's frisbee-with-Hana-style date (ending in a spectacular faceplant for Shinichi), Hana finally found her voice.

"Hey," she said, kneeling beside him on the grass, her eyes soft. "Maybe... maybe we don't need an operation. Maybe we just need to remember that, you know, I'm right here. And I actually quite like watching you eat spaghetti sauce off your shirt."

Shinichi, his face redder than the setting sun, sputtered a surprised laugh. "Really? Even the sauce-beard?"

Hana grinned. "Especially the sauce-beard. It shows off your commitment to messy Italian food."


Spark Ensues

Hana, bathed in the afterglow of Shinichi's tender confession, couldn't help but reflect on her own journey. She'd stumbled through love's labyrinth before, chasing grand gestures and mistaking passion for permanence. Watching Kiri and Ruka dance around their feelings, hesitant and sweet, brought back a memory – Tsuki's shy encounter with Ruka at Denny's.

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