C H A P T E R - 0 5

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'Love can be as massive as an exploding supernova or as tiny as a speck of stardust...'

⁕ 𝖲𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗁 𝖡𝖾𝖽𝗂 ⁕

The exams are utterly draining! The contrast between school exams and university exams is colossal.

In school, you always have friends who assist with exams-passing chits, sharing answer sheets, and discreetly signaling correct answers with their fingers behind the examiner's back. Even the teachers were aware that we were cheating, but they pretended not to notice. Maybe they wanted us to pass so they could bid us farewell, or perhaps they liked us a bit

Exams in university, however, are an entirely different ballgame. The atmosphere is intense, and the stakes seem higher.

The teamwork we had in school with our friends is gone; it's every person for themselves now. No more passing the chits, nodding heads, or signaling with your hands.

When you ask for help, they don't even bother to look around. Everyone seems wrapped up in their own stress, coming off as a bit unfriendly and self-centered.

Even the professors are tough! Even a small attempt at cheating can get your paper canceled and they'll show you the door out of the exam hall.

I suppose this is why people tend to usually hold onto their school memories more dearly than their college days.

Well, I wasn't too bothered about it. I'd been studying hard the past month, and when the exam came, only the person behind me asked for help. At first, he seemed unsure, maybe thinking I wouldn't share my answers; which I was thinking of too! But when I saw his struggling face, I changed my mind.

I told him I wouldn't pass my whole answer sheet but would keep it open so he could peek and copy what he needed. I didn't show everything, just enough to help him pass. I mean, you can't expect to get an A without putting in some effort, right?

Exams finally wrapped up last week. Lavanya headed home once she finished hers. So it was me only, alone in the apartment.

In the beginning, I mostly lazed around-spent days in bed, napped a lot, and did a bit of sketching. I even went to a nearby park. But soon, boredom kicked in. So, I decided to explore Delhi. I usually went out at night and slept during the day.

First, I visited Connaught Place. Normally, it's a freaking circus of lights and people, but thank god, at midnight, it chills out a bit.

The Georgian architecture, this mix of commercial and residential buildings, modeled after some fancy place in Bath, designed by John Wood the Younger was legit something you won't spot anywhere else in Delhi, or hell, maybe even all of India if I'm guessing right.

Then, I hit up India Gate. The 42-meter high, "Arc-de-Triomphe" wannabe smack in the middle of a freaking crossroad. It was supposed to be like its French twin, commemorating 70,000 Indian soldiers who bit the dust fighting for the British Army during World War I.

But, honestly, it was kinda overrated. Just a massive doorframe thing with nothing fancy or beautiful. People wandering around with their mouths hanging open. Like, seriously, don't they know any other damn better place to hang out?

Agrasen ki Baoli was the best part of my exploration. This step-well from the 10th century was like a stunner with its ornate stone details, soaring arched walls, and alcoves. A masterpiece for anyone's eye, I must say.

I enjoyed sketching there. The breeze playing with my hair just added that extra oomph to the whole satisfying experience.

One thing to keep in mind: bundle up in lots of warm clothes when you're strolling the streets on chilly December nights. It can easily make you sick. Even with my strong immune system, I almost caught a cold.

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