chapter 6

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Sandhya pov-

Rana Family will be leaving this evening and currently we are going to the site where the hotel construction was going on .

It was the first time I was experiencing all this stuff surrounded by Guards and travelling like I am some VIP.
It feels good momentarily but after that I felt like being caged and it's like I am under surveillance and have no privacy .

We shortly reached the destination and it was surrounded by lush greenery pleasent to the eyes and soul .
The construction manager came running and greeted Raj uncle .

Later he told about the progress and showed us the design of the hotel and it's grand to say the least .
It will be the biggest hotel here in Shimla.
I wonder how much money would be spent building it completely.

Vihaan , Shrishti and me took a tour around . He explained us about the details and how his brother was looking forward to this project .

I got to know that 2 more hotels are under construction and by the end of this year there will total 8 ARA Hotels throughout the country.

As we came back Uncle and my father were talking with the head Architect.
Maa and Aunty were at home only with Amu.

Vardhan Sir will come next week to finalise the main design ....he informed Uncle .

We left after that and came back home .
I prepared some snacks and coffee for everyone as they will have to leave after that to the airport.

Through Vihaan I got to know that they even own a private Jet but that is mostly used for international trips.

Everyone was chatting in the hall while I was playing with Amu. I don't know if I will be able to meet her again or not .

I hugged her close and kissed her forhead . The thing that connects me to Amu and her father is that I could relate to them somewhere . I see myself in Amu .
I hope she gets someone just like I   got Vidya maa .

As I looked up I found Kalyani Aunty looking at me with a small smile playing on her lips .

She patted the seat beside her asking me to sat there.
You have really grown fond of Amu...she said and I just nodded caressing Amu's cheek who was busy playing with my earings.

She is just so adorable and innocent . Any one would fall in love with her ....I stated.
We could have stayed for some more time but Vardhan is getting impatient without her . He is calling in every one hour to enquire about her ....she said and I just smiled knowing how much Amu means to him .

You know Sandhya He is just like a coconut....hard from outside but soft inside . He just talk bluntly. He doesn't sugarcoat things . If he doesn't like something he is clear about it . He won't pretend to like it for others sake .

He sometimes gets impulsive and stubborn. There are many  shortcomings too but he has a heart of Gold ....Aunty said and I was just listening to her not knowing why she was telling me all of that .

But one thing was clear Uncle and Aunty have complete diffrent opinion about their elder son. Maybe just because she is the  mother and is closer to him .

Kalyani let's get going ....Uncle called her and she nodded getting up .

I kissed Amu for one last time and so don't know why but I am feeling emotional all of a sudden seeing her going away .
We bid them bye and Aunty blessed me before leaving .

Uncle seriously asked Papa to visit them Delhi with us otherwise he would never come here again .

They were so rich but they didn't make us feel like we have a class diffrence. Uncle and Aunty were praising our hospitality and even Vihaan was comfortable at our place .

I really like them and specially Amu. She is such a happy kid .

Papa looked at me as we came inside and smiled a little patting my cheek .
It felt like he wanted to say something to me but I shrugged it and got busy with maa and Shrishti.

Next day while going to school Papa asked me about my future plans some where I know where this was leading too .
I just smiled and asked him if he had thought something about  me and he laughed at my question.

Sandhya Raj and Kalyani Bhabhi has asked your hand for their elder son ......he informed getting serious and I was rooted on my seat listening to him .

My heart was beating at a wild rate and for a moment I was not able to think of anything.

What did you said then ....I asked calming my self down .
I told them that I will talk to you and we would like to meet him once before coming to any conclusion...Papa said .

You don't have any problem with him having a child Na ...He asked and I shook  my head in  no .

Out of all the people I cannot be the one who would decline a proposal just because the man has a child because someone accepted me too while getting married to my father and I am grateful for that .

He will be here Next week for the hotel work and will pay us a visit....Papa informed me and I just hummed not knowing what I should say .

Sandhya, last decision will be your only Papa assured me and I just hugged him with a smile .

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