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Other side "
?? - catch them!!
Riko - sir they are escaping we have to catch them from other side!
(9 officers was there in general outfit with their Incharge)
Tuzya- i wish Mr Ian was here ! He is best in tracking.
Incharge -Everyone FIRE! !!
All shooted bullets on the other opponents legs making them fall.one of them tankfully got out of sight and threw a knife at Ashia but the Incharge turned her back protecting her but the knife slided with his hand making it bleed.
Incharge - kill them all!! No one should know anything!.
All- yes sir!!!
After sometime.
Ashia was mending his bleeding hand at that time Faz came
Faz- sir your mrs is calling you,
Ashia rolled her eyes a little
Incharge was about to leave but Ashia pulled him and looked at Faz for leave.
Incharge- what happened?
Ashia - please give me another chance
Incharge - never! I have a wife and i love her!
Ashia - but she is not your type and more over she is sick.
Incharge gritted his teeths.
Incharge - She is mine and i am hers!
Ashia- but.. (Cutt off)
Incharge - i hate informal chats on duty.
Ashia - but J....( cutt off)
Incharge - Attention!!!
Ashia- Yes Sir !!!(she was too angry from inside)
He left without glancing at her.
Everyone got down from the bikes and reached to a beautiful temple.
Taejinkook was in one bike, Hopekai in one and both were following Yoonmin's bike.
Everyone was standing on the stairs.
Hobi- now every husband have to carry there wife in bridal style and have to go up with the help of 400 stairs.

Jk- too easy~Tae- huh

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Jk- too easy~
Tae- huh.! We will see.
Kai - where are my liliputs??
Hobi - wha look after coming he is now thinking where are our kids! They went home with uncle park .
Suga- are you ready Mrs suga?
Jimin nodded shyly.
Suga took jimin up whereas jimin blushing hided her face on Suga's chest.
Jk took Tae like she don't have any weight.
Tae - be careful kook! (Glaring).
Jk- are baby it's nothing for me to carry a feather
Tae just looks in the front.
Kai took Hobi.
Kai- you became so heavy,
Suga- keep pushing your stick inside her and she keep pushing your baby out one day she will be in world records for overweight.
Jin- shut it yoongs!!
Suga chucked
Hobi looked at Kai with puffy cheeks.
Kai - nah baby you are gorgeous as always.
Jk- poor bhabhi thank god your hubby is not here otherwise his bones would get broken.
All males started to take the 1st step so as jin but before her feet reached the stair two hands griped her in bridal style.
Jin was shocked and hold his neck securely with hands quickly.
Rm- did someone called me old??

 Rm- did someone called me old??

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