Trainee Ranking Stats!
(Note: Cumulative ranking means a combination of both of their ranks. Cumulative ranking before elimination involves all 20 trainees, while after elimination includes only the remaining 15).Feel free to ignore this chapter if you're not interested in stats, I honestly just made this so that I could see it all laid out for myself lol.
Also side note - why is there no such thing as a pink heart? I feel like there should be. Also - no Treasure chest emoji? Google is starting to get on my nerves.
🍒 Lee A-Yeong 🍒
Class F 💜 -> Class B 🧡
⬆ Up 3 classes ⬆
Rank 23 -> Rank 9
⬆ Up 14 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 18th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 13th
🌠 Yoshida Aiko 🌠
Class C 💛 -> Class D 💚
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 11 -> Rank 20
⬇ Down 9 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 17th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: N/A
🌊 Jeong Arie-Um 🌊
Class A 💗 -> Class B 🧡
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 4 -> Rank 6
⬇ Down 2 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 4th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 4th
🎙️ Yoshiko Arim 🎙️
Class D 💚 -> Class B 🧡
⬆ Up 2 classes ⬆
Rank 17 -> Rank 7
⬆ Up 10 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 12th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 11th
🎨 Tamakura Ayana 🎨
Class C 💛 -> Class A 💗
⬆ Up 2 classes ⬆
Rank 15 -> Rank 2
⬆ Up 13 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 7th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 7th
☁️ Hwang Haneul ☁️
Class A 💗 -> Class A 💗
➡ Same class ⬅
Rank 1 -> Rank 1
➡ Equal Rank ⬅
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 1st
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 1st
🏐 Fujiwara Hinata 🏐
Class B 🧡 -> Class C 💛
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 10 -> Rank 12
⬇ Down 2 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 10th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 9th
🍓 Lee Joo-Mi 🍓
Class B 🧡 -> Class A 💗
⬆ Up 1 class ⬆
Rank 8 -> Rank 3
⬆ Up 5 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 5th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 5th
🍬 Kyung-Hee Kang 🍬
Class F 💜 -> Class B 🧡
⬆ Up 3 classes ⬆
Rank 21 -> Rank 10
⬆ Up 11 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 16th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 12th
🎵 Melodina 🎵
Class D 💚 -> Class D 💚
➡ Same class ⬅
Rank 20 -> Rank 18
⬆ Up 2 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 20th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 15th
🌶️ Dan Miok 🌶️
Class C 💛 -> Class D 💚
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 14 -> Rank 19
⬇ Down 5 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 19th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 14th
🦋 Choi Na-Bi 🦋
Class A 💗 -> Class C 💛
⬇ Down 2 classes ⬇
Rank 2 -> Rank 11
⬇ Down 9 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 6th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 6th
🌹 Rosetta Lilianne Park 🌹
Class A 💗 -> Class A 💗
➡ Same class ⬅
Rank 3 -> Rank 4
⬇ Down 1 rank ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 2nd
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 2nd
🍉 Uehara Saho 🍉
Class B 🧡 -> Class D 💚
⬇ Down 2 classes ⬇
Rank 6 -> Rank 16
⬇ Down 10 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 11th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 10th
☀️ Sora ☀️
Class D 💚 -> Class C 💛
⬆ Up 1 class ⬆
Rank 17 -> Rank 7
⬆ Up 10 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 14th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: N/A
🤎 Kim Su-Yeon 🤎
Class B 🧡 -> Class C 💛
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 7 -> Rank 14
⬇ Down 2 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 9th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: N/A
💸 Hashimoto Takaro 💸
Class B 🧡 -> Class C 💛
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 9 -> Rank 15
⬇ Down 6 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 13th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: N/A
👗 Liu Tian-Kuo 👗
Class C 💛 -> Class D 💚
⬇ Down 1 class ⬇
Rank 13 -> Rank 17
⬇ Down 4 ranks ⬇
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 15th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: N/A
🎤 Yoo Vivian 🎤
Class C 💛 -> Class B 🧡
⬆ Up 1 class ⬆
Rank 12 -> Rank 8
⬆ Up 4 ranks ⬆
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 8th
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 8th
💅🏻 Yoonah Kim 💅🏻
Class A 💗 -> Class A 💗
➡ Same class ⬅
Rank 5 -> Rank 5
➡ Equal Rank ⬅
Cumulative Ranking Before Elimination: 3rd
Cumulative Ranking After Elimination: 3rd
Fearlessness 101 (GG survival applyfic)
FanfictionCLOSED, ONGOING! 𝔻𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤? Lesserafim, the rookies who have conquered the Kpop industry, are now mentoring their own survival show, where 25 girls will come on in the hopes of creating...