Chapter 3: Jungle Friends

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"Welcome to the Boscage, Sonic." Shadow said to the blue hedgehog.

"I know you're probably wondering, 'how are you able to teleport to the Shatterspaces, I thought you couldn't pass through gateways?' "

"Well, I put the Paradox Prism in the center of the Void. The Prism attached itself to a huge floating rock, and it's energy allowed my emerald to get through the gateways."

"You're also probably wondering where the Chaos Council went, I used the Paradox Prism to create a new Shatterspace. I call it 'Prison Paradise' because the Council can do whatever they want inside the Shatterspace but... they can't leave the Shatterspace."

"Sonic!" Thorn Rose said, jumping off of Birdie. She ran towards the blue hedgehog, hugging him immediately.

"I didn't think that you'd be able to come back!" Thorn said, excited to see him again.

She broke the hug and looked into Sonic's green eyes. She didn't see happiness in his eyes after she hugged him, she saw sadness.

"What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" Thorn asked softly.

"Even though Nine can be trusted again, he still doesn't feel like himself." Shadow told her.

"But, he saved our worlds in the end. He should be fine!" Thorn said.

"I was the one who saved Sonic's life. Nine drained Sonic's life out of his body." Shadow said.

Sonic started crying after Shadow finished his sentence, the memory hurt so much. "Sonic?" Prim asked, she stopped what she was doing and flew towards the blue hedgehog that was sitting on the grass.

"What happened?" Prim asked. Thorn explained what Shadow told her to the Prim.

Mangey put his hand on Sonic's leg, he whimpered in concern for the blue hedgehog.

"This is my fault. If only we could've fixed this sooner, he wouldn't be like this." Shadow said, blaming himself because of Sonic's current situation.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You were trying your best, without you he wouldn't be here." Prim said as she stood next to the black hedgehog.

"I think he fell asleep." Thorn whispered as the blue hedgehog slept in her lap.

"That's what happens when you're one of the fastest hedgehogs alive. I remember that happening to me when I was little." Shadow told the group.

Thorn, Gnarly, Prim, and Mangey looked at Shadow, listening to him and they wanted to know more about the hedgehog's past.

"The first week of my creation, I was running around. Crashing into a bunch of walls and doors, the professor that made me found me playing hide and seek a lot with his daughter."

"His daughter's name was Maria, and they were both human. Maria couldn't live on Earth because of a rare condition. So, I was created up in a space ship called the Ark. Maria died, while trying to save my life."

"When she was alive, we played a lot of games around the Ark. Eventually, she found me passed out in an extra box that was lying around the ship."

"Oooh. Mareea, pretty name." Mangey said after Shadow finished telling his story. Shadow laughed at the sound of an alternate Tails, that didn't know English, trying to say his best friend/ sister's name.

Thorn carried Sonic as she walked towards Birdie, Shadow followed her. He sat on Birdie's back with Thorn, even though he didn't need to.

He just wanted to make sure that Sonic was okay. Thorn, Birdie, and Shadow arrived at Thorn's hut.

"Let me carry him for you." Shadow said as he jumped off Birdie, walking into Thorn's hut.

Shadow spent two days in the Boscage. He was helping Thorn and Prim collecting berries, and he playfully chased Mangey around the Jungle.

"It's time to visit Captain Rose, I promise I'll bring him with me again." Shadow said, using his Chaos Emerald to teleport away with Sonic in his arms.

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