My escape

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*~nobodys pov~*
The streets were as lively as ever
Everyone minding their own business
No one knowing what was going on in the alley between a cute cafe and a little library a little girl soon enters.
~eris pov~
I turn the corner into the alley where at the other sight I could see a a bright light

'Pretty, I wonder if it's as warm as it looks in the books..'

As I ran closer my chest started beating faster as a strange feeling swirled in my chest

'I'm almost there!'

But that quickly ended as my body crashed into something

A leg?

'No have I  already been caught?!'

The thought scared me as I pushed away the leg and tried to run again

"Woah! Are you okay?"
Arms quickly wrapped around me holding me
My fear rising quick
I looked up to see a young boy now squatting to look at me
He looked at me with a weird look on his face, but it didn't look scary like Mr chisaki  or scary like the doctor  it was..nice? Like the characters I'd see in my books

'His eyes remind me of onee-Chan...'

And he wasn't alone behind him I could see a bigger looking boy with a colorful outfit.

Those are weird clothes


I jump up and look behind to Mr chisaki walking towards me

I couldn't even bring myself to look at him in the eyes I try to back up more

But I ended up into the boy clutching at his clothing just so I could get further from Mr chisaki

Maybe it was because he reminded me of my onee-chan

I could feel a Hand on my back causing me to flinch

I look up to see the green haired boy look at me with confusion and worry before he looked at the man in the alley

'How is he not mad or annoyed? I invaded his space without asking'
' I even touched him'

From the realizing all the bad things I did my heart started beating so hard in my chest I could barley hear anything besides it
I could see his mouth moving as he talk so I try so hard to listen

my heart started beating faster as I looked up at Mr chisaki all it took was one glance and my feet  started walking back to him

'No..I don't wanna go back'
'But I also don't wanna hurt anybody, and I can't get nee-Chan in trouble'

Mr chisaki put a hand on my back as he pushed me forward I flinched away from his touch as he put it directly on a fresh wound I kept walking till I was back with  the masked men as they lead me back

When I got back to the white room tears began fell

"..Ms Layla?.."

the body of the nurse that helped me out laid on the ground not moving

with the same red liquid I'd see So many times in the doctors room surround her

"That's what happens when people help you eri'
Mr chisaki says from behind me

'They pay the price.Take her away"

I watch as two black coats carry her away

'Is that true? No it must be.'

"Yes. Now your little friend is dead"
I let my tears fall but when I look up all I see is a smile on his face

Suddenly a hand grabs my arm and yanks me away
but no screams come out as I stare at where the dead body was

'It's my fault..'

"And for your little escape a punishment seems necessary don't you think"


Mr chisaki smiles grows as he looks at me

"Let's try to last longer than 2 hours okay"


I turn around to see a girl with hair like mine
And a horn too

'Is that..'
She looks at me and suddenly smiles warmly at me that I felt my tears fall again

She looks back up at Mr chisaki and starts walking towards us
"I'll take her punishment."

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