Chapter 4 - Memories

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The ship was left on the shore of Boiling Bay. I immediately pointed at the broken wooden boat, "You used to live there Floofty!" I smiled. "Sometimes I wish I had never decided to leave that place to join the feeble minded society." Floofty climbed down from the ship and I followed them. "Right then, I believe we should start our journey at..." Before Floofty could finish speaking, a Paletoss Grande charged towards Floofty and sent them flying.

Once again, I burst out laughing at Floofty's situation. Luck clearly wasn't on their side. As I looked around Boiling Bay, the memories of catching the Bugsnax and either feeding them to the Grumpuses or putting them in Gramble's barn flooded back into my mind. From time to time I would force feed Gramble when he was sleepwalking, but it was only on occasion.

After a few moments, Floofty walked back over to me, drenched head to toe in water. Seeing this made me laugh so much that my insides began to hurt. "There is no need to keep on laughing at every unfortunate event that happens to me." Floofty seemed to be unimpressed with me. "If you are going to be this childish the entire time we are here, then I might as well take that ship and fly back without you to interact with some more intellectual minds than that of yours."

"There's no need to do that. And anyways, you were the one who snuck onto my ship. You basically opted to come here with me." I crossed my arms and stared at Floofty. "We're not leaving till we find out any secrets left on this island. I don't care how long it takes." The two of us just stayed silent for a moment. "Alright then," Floofty said, breaking the silence, "If we are to stay here for the foreseeable future, did you pack a large food supply?"

"Well there's..." I then realised that there may not been enough food. " The picnic basket only has enough food to last a person three days, so it's gonna last us a day and a half. After that, we're gonna have to eat..." I didn't want to mention those creatures, but Floofty seemed to know what I meant anyways. "Eating them is a terrible idea, especially due to your allergies towards them." Floofty began to think.

"Well, we could always ration the food to extend the days the food supply will last for, or we could simply leave no-" I quickly interrupted them. "I'm not leaving till I find what I need." Floofty stared at me. "Do you even have the slightest clue to what you even need?" They continued to stare at me as I tried to think of a good answer. There wasn't really any good reason for this and I couldn't just tell them that it was from a dream I had, so I just stared at them silently. Floofty sighed. "Of course your simple mind would not be able to give a good enough reason for this."

After standing there in silence, I finally spoke. "It's getting late, we should probably head to Snaxburg." Floofty nodded in agreement. "That is the first thing you have said that has some intellectual value to it." "I'm gonna take that as a compliment." I said with a smile. The two of us began to walk out of Boiling Bay, through Simmering Springs and into the town of Snaxburg.

The town looked almost exactly the same as how it was left on that day. Walking around, I peeked inside each of the houses. Cactriffy still was in Wambus and Triffany's house. Beffica's journal was sat on a shelf in her house, but when I picked it up and opened it, it was just another fake. The tent had Grumpus bones on one table and some random chemicals and jars on another. Gramble's barn, even though it was wide open, had a couple of Bugsnax living inside of it.

After looking around Snaxburg, I headed back to the place I once called a home. With its two floors and lots of space to put the stuff I got from the others, my home wasn't that bad. I was so tired that I walked inside and immediately flopped into the comfy bed. Only a few moments later, I drifted off, leaving the world behind for another of sleep and dreams.

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