Chapter 10 - Floofty

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"These creatures are truly fascinating." I spoke aloud, occupying myself by examining the BBQ Bunger collected by the Journalist. I carefully turned the BBQ Bunger over onto its back, prodding its curly fry legs with a scalpel. "Further examination will be needed to determine the cause behind the fabrication of these amalgamations."

Once the Bunger had been safely sealed inside of its container, I scanned over my notes, editing and building onto it. "These could be revolutionary towards the medical industry..." I uttered, flicking through each page scattered in a disorganised manner across the table.

As a couple of hours passed by, my hunger grew. I looked around, the Journalist being nowhere in my vicinity. I took hold of the Snaktivator, one of my ingenious inventions, and carefully grabbed one of the Grapeskeetos. After one last gaze around to be sure the Journalist was nowhere nearby, I swiftly ate the Grapeskeeto, using the Snaktivator to direct the Snakification to my arm.

Since I have been wearing a lab coat, I have been able to sneakily feed myself with these parasites without the Journalist discovering this. I did not fret too much over this, that Grumpus had already proved themselves to be similar to that of the majority of the Grumpus population, being simple-minded and obtuse.

With my spare time, I separated each of my notes. Examining each individual sheet, I organised them into three separate piles- important notes, useless notes, and undecided notes. Afterwards, I flicked through the piles again, sorting each of the pieces of paper into alphabetical order.

I continued to scan around, awaiting the Journalist's return. My gaze did not seem to locate them anywhere, but the presence of another... or several others- could be felt. I simply continued my work, searching around warily every once in a while. Hearing some rustles nearby, my head turned swiftly to the direction of the sound.

I silently hoped that this was simply the Journalist trying to make a fool of me. After a moment of silence, I ignored it, heading back over to my work. Scribbling some more notes down, the noises of thuds and footsteps began. I turned around, wanting to look the Journalist in the eye to tell them about their stupidity of trying to fool me, but an object of some sorts pounded my head. I fell to the floor, the world turning to black.

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