Chapter two

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CHAPTER TWO: shape shifted

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CHAPTER TWO: shape shifted

❚█══𐌁𐌋ꝊꝊ𐌃𐌙 𐌌𐌀𐌓𐌙 ══█❚

MARYAM ATHENA PEREZ WAS STILL ANGRY AT SCOTT MCCALL. Mostly at Allison Argent, and the rest of the Argent family. But, she had believed that Scott and Stiles had somewhat became her friends. Only, for Scott to defend the girl that got her killed, and indirectly, her mother.

Maryam should have killed the Argent family the second she heard they were in town. She should have gone and killed all the hunters that she was aware were in town.

But, her parents didn't want her to put herself in danger. Derek hasn't wanted for her to fight those hunters either.

And because she listened to them, she lost her mother.

Had she killed the hunters (Allison included, especially Allison) her mother would still be alive.

"Mary!" A voice yelled out, making the girl snap out of her thoughts. She had gone to the lacrosse field, once again, absent minded. She tilted her head up, seeing the odd look on Stiles's face, and the concerned on Scott's. Plus the look of annoyance on some player's, or the look of shock.

Mary turned, seeing one of the player's on the ground, not to far away form her, for a moment, she panicked, thinking she had reveled that she was a witch.

"You didn't move out of the way, Greenburg didn't notice you," Scott speaks. "I had to stick check him." Clearly aware what her thoughts were.

Scott crouched down, squatting position. "Are you okay?" Scott asked, obviously a double meaning. To the across players, he was speaking about her almost being body checked, and, the reason for her absent mind; her mother's death.
But, Scott was also asking how she was doing, with her own death.

Mary nodded, slowly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," she moved to sit up, immediately, Scott helping her up.

Scott glanced around, carefully as everyone began to file out, uncaring now. "There's another werewolf on the school." He then scrubbed up his nose, eyes widening as he looked at Mary.

There was a second scent of a werewolf. And it was coming from Mary. "You're a werewolf?"

"McCall!" Coach Finstock yelled. "Get back in the goal! For the last time!"

Mary tiled her head up, realizing, that, there indeed was another scent of a werewolf. As far as she knew, there a was a no other family werewolf that attended Beacon Hills High. Other high schools, like Davenport Prep, yes. But not here. Not ones that were born a werewolf, at least.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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