Chapter Three

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Yarian and Cyber became a little paranoid after they left Violet's workshop. The chip was still in Yarian’s hand. They immediately went back to Vackes's room. Though Oliver was also there, he saw Yarian and Cyber and laughed.

"Hey, why are you in here? Go on and play with that new doll of yours." Oliver said that made Vackes pause what he was doing.

"Oliver, zip it. Yarian is allowed to come in." Vackes said with a sigh.  All Oliver did was roll his eyes in response as Yarian and Cyber went in.

"Vackes, we found a chip from somewhere. I'm wondering what it could be." Yarian said, setting the chip on Vackes's desk. He started examining it, confused about its design, shape and size.

"How interesting... this is such an obsolete microchip. Thankfully I have a scanner somewhere in my drawers here that could scan and read its data." Vackes said, taking out a handheld scanner and putting the chip inside of its slot. The machine took a while as the chip seemed to had been storing a ton of information.

"Wow... I wonder what's all in there?" Yarian asked.

"It seems to have a lot of information that we don't know about yet. The scanner is having a hard time reading all of these files." Vackes said. The scanner was then feeling hot to the touch, which caused Vackes to worry and quickly set it down on the floor.

Yarian looked at the scanner struggling to keep scanning as it made a loud pop noise, scaring Cyber as she hid behind Oliver.

"Hey, get off of me!" Oliver grabbed Cyber by the tail and tossed her towards Vackes. Cyber landed in a clunky thud against Vackes's back.

"Ouch! Cyber, are you okay?" Vackes asked, lifting Cyber off the floor. Cyber was dizzy and unable to respond. Then a ding was heard and the scanner cooled off.

"Look, it's done!" Yarian said to Vackes. The two looked over and Vackes lifted the scanner up. On its screen displayed millions of threads of codes.

"Whoa... there's a ton of data on it. Just as expected." Vackes said. Cyber's tail tip wiggled and glowed brightly as she peeked at the screen.

"What coding language is that?" Yarian asked.

"One that may be too easy, yet difficult for your puny brain." Oliver said in a snarky tone.

"Shut up, Oliver!" Yarian snapped.

"Don't tell me what to do, princess!"

"Both of you, get along please! I can't concentrate if you two bicker!" Vackes shouted. The two stayed quiet afterwards. Vackes continued looking through before his eyes widened.

"Vackes?" Yarian began.

"Yarian, I'm going to be crafting something for Cyber. This is an unfinished code for a vocal simulator!" Vackes said with excitement.

"A vocal simulator?! What is that?" Yarian asked in confusion.

"A vocal simulator is supposed to be an implant that gives those without vocal cords a voice. I've been trying to make one myself, but it's so difficult. But with this chip, I can duplicate the code after I finish it and create multiple for those who can't speak!" Vackes explained. Yarian smiled wide and looked down at Cyber who was happy as well.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Yarian said.

"Okay, are you guys done yet? I'd like to take a nap soon and I don't want any yapping from you two." Oliver said with an annoyed groan.

"You could ask nicely, asshole..." Vackes growled before sending Yarian and Cyber out of the bedroom.


The war had begun and citizens needed to run for cover or evacuate. Yarian was getting ready to leave to her ship; Cyber tinkering with it to make sure it was in perfect shape. Yarian arrived to the ship, tossing her helmet into the cockpit and looking down at Cyber.

"Ready to go?" Yarian asked. Cyber nodded in response as she put the tools back in the ship's compartment. They climbed into the cockpit, getting ready for take off.

Before they were able to take off, Violet ran up to the ship to get Yarian’s attention. Cyber let out a squeak that alerted Yarian to stop. They look at Violet, opening the hatch.

"Violet, what do you need?" Yarian asked.

"Yarian, Vackes finished this vocal simulator for Cyber. He wanted to give it to you, but got lost when we all separated to prevent getting trampled. Now, please be safe." Violet said to her, handing Yarian a tiny device attached to leather string. She put the device around Cyber's neck before closing the hatch.

"Okay, we need to let that warm up. I'm going to get us off this planet." Yarian said to Cyber as she then took off into the sky. Violet waved behind them with tears in her eyes.

"You're the best and brave young sister. Be safe and return to us when you're able to survive." Violet whispered to herself.

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