"In between goals is a thing called life..."

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"In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed." -Sid Caesar

(Cribbed from Sid Caesar by bossbabe Inc.: "In between your goals, remember that there's a precious thing called life that has to be enjoyed.")

In between the fisher's net of your pure yet checkered planet
is a goalminder, a foreshadow of self trapped in other,
And a pebble embossed in mists, mosses and other flosses.

Within the weave of choice, the unchanging and chance is an empty eye of granite
Whose lying nylon conveys monarch manna to a rebirth by wafting mother
And a lilting dribble of babe's babble wanes to a lull of losses.

In between each dream is life lived on a thread,
Within the stream is all that seemed or was said,
And beyond the seam is strewn the alopecia of everything ahead.

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