First Comment! + Wonka

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Thank you to @DisPIXWorksfan for commenting on my book, "Who You Share it With."

In honor of their comment, I made this:

In honor of their comment, I made this:

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FADE UP on the bustling city. In a nearby window are two small figures. CUT TO Scrubitt and Bleacher; Willy's room.

Willy: My newest creation!

Willy excitedly holds up a jar.

Y/n: Wow... what is it exactly?

Willy: It's a—

Y/n: Wait, let me guess. Is it another type of Hoverchoc?

Willy: Close. (Sets jar down) I call it, "Pure Chocolate Luck!" It makes anyone who eats it more fortunate than a bought of jammy luck.

Y/n: Really? How'd you do it?

Willy: The finest pick of Irish four-leaf clovers, exactly 13 grains of salt thrown over each one, and of course, the likeness of a ladybug!

While Willy explains this, a strange portal opens behind him.

Y/n: Uh...

Willy: Is something wrong, y/n?

Ladybug: (whispering) I'll be taking that

A figure dressed in red takes the chocolates, quickly waving at Y/n before disappearing with the portal.

Y/n: W-Willy. (Points at desk)

Willy: (frantically) Wh-where'd my chocolate go?!

Y/n: Oh, um... I think it was the strange little orange man.

Willy: Well, it's too late for another batch.

Y/n: Sorry, maybe next time, Willy.

How was it?

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