episode 03

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"Allah!!!Can you please be silent and get out alreadyyyy

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"Allah!!!Can you please be silent and get out alreadyyyy."  I shouted out as I was wholeheartedly done with everyone around me. We were now finally able to be alone , my sisters crying in the corner out loud planing my funeral and what they're going to wear. My brother Bekir getting his ass beat by selmir while on the floor . Jakub wiping Selmir's sweat and making sure he doesn't get tired . My aunt beating my father while my mother tells her where to hit . And finally what irks me the most is Fatima in the corner laughing to herself while staring at her shadow . Allah, help.

After a while we managed to get everything under control it was agreed that I and upon her request Fatima will stay in the palace. The others would go to the house prepared by the saraiy . It was now night .

I and Fatima were led to the room we'd be sharing

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I and Fatima were led to the room we'd be sharing . It was nothing like the valide sultanas chambers but it surely wasn't lacking to the saraiy grace. A knocking sound was heard from the doors , after a bit of us placing our stuff into the room." Evet ?" I said after I and Fatima put the veils we'd previously taken off - back.
"İyi akşamlar , kazlar " ( good evening, girls ) it was Nigar kalfa ." İyi akşamlar , Nigar kalfa ." Fatima and I said , Fatima going to Nigars side in a flash ." Did someone call us ? " she asked excitedly , my eyes narrowed at that .What's with this girl ... the kalfa chuckled as she shook her head ." I'm here to show you around , but firstly we have to go to the hamam, there you can freshen up .

After freshening up , and returning to our rooms I tried to fall asleep . My mind was a mess so I've failed to rest . I decided to slowly get up without waking up my sister . It would be best for me to prepare the workroom  in time . I got my robes and veil , before getting a candle and leaving for the workroom chambers .The preparations didn't take long as the saray ensured we'd have everything we'd need . I just placed everything where it's supposed to be and recounted the materials . After finishing that I still didn't feel sleepy enough so I took a seat at the desk placing the candle on a safe distance . I made some sketches for future jewelry and dresses , trying to figure the best way to fulfill the sultans requests . Unbeknown to me my eyes started to fall and after a short while I fell asleep at the desk . My veil accidentally removing itself from my face .

While sleeping I felt a weird warmness touch my cheek , removing the hair from my face . But I was very tired so I ignored it , not opening my eyes .The person soon after left .

The warm , bright rays of light  woke me up making me get up a stretch

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The warm , bright rays of light  woke me up making me get up a stretch . I once noticing my veil fell off I panicked looking around the room . But happily I was alone . I quickly got ready as it was time for my brothers and father to arrive . Not long after they arrived , I greeted them . They were followed by daye hatun which notified me and my father that we are to go to the treasury to pick the gems we'd use for the pieces . The treasury was massive and unbelievable . Treasures from all of the world , truly breathtaking .  While looking for the perfect pieces my eyes catch two perfect jewels sitting next to each other . I walked towards them , I knew they weren't  fitting for any of the current designs but I couldn't help the desire to craft perfect pieces of jewelry complimenting such brilliant gems . They reminded me of the Sultan and his mother . That was when I've decided to create two additional pieces as gifts for the sultan and his mother .

After that we finally returned to the workroom starting to work on the request . About around 2 hours we were interrupted by the Sultan and his Pargali Ibrahim . "Selam , I hope it's going well ." Ibrahim spoke out and with that my brothers and mainly father began talking with them . I mainly had my head down deciding to not bother the men . My heart banging in my ears from the sound of the sultans voice and soft chuckles . A weird smell broke me out of my daze as I glanced to my left . The metal ! I thought panicking before turning around and sprinting to the spot to save what could be saved . In the process interrupting the men's chatter . " Bekir !You didn't take the metal out ." I yelled out my brothers name making him come to me . The moment I saw him I placed the metal on a safe place before hitting him , scolding him . Just as Bekir was pleading for his life a chuckle snapped me out of my lunacy . I panicked and glanced to the Sultan that was chuckling with a wide smile along with Pargali Ibrahim . They were both looking at me .

After everything calmed down the sultan decided to stay and watch while we work .We soon began working again , at the concern of my eyes I saw the sultan signal something to Ibrahim . My eyes furrowing in question but I choose to ignore it .Before I knew it , I was the only one working again . Ibrahim , my brothers and father at the corner talking about something . While the sultan was watching my every move . I was polishing the gems so they can fit in the pieces , I've also decided to polish the two special gems , taking special care of them .As I finished one I put it on the table before working on the other trying to make them as identical as possible . I got shocked , a gasp leaving my lips as a hand reached for the gem. That's when I felt the warmness on my back .

" What will you be using these gems for ? You seem to take special care of them . " the Sultan asked , it seemed like he spoke it to my ear . The vibrations of his voice sending shock waves to my skin .

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