First Days of Summer

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Summer holidays. A time when we can return to the comforting atmospheres of those who share our blood. A time when we can focus on ourselves. A time when we are ultimately unburdened of our educational stresses. I, however, was unburdened of something else.

Social stresses.

As a college student, even the mere seconds of rejuvenation are worth savoring until the end of one's lifetime. All the time away from that pitiful dorm is a synonym for heaven. To me, time was my lover...

...and my enemy.

As a deliberate ringing sound perked my ears' full attention, I sluggishly arose from the comforts of my bed, hurling the edges of my fingertips on the head of the alarm clock. I hastily ran the other hand across my complicated mess of hair, wondering if there was ever one day my hair was in proper order. I groggily stumbled towards the bathroom, sleepily inspecting my image.

As usual.

Ruffled hair, devilish eyes, and a cold expression. Satisfied, I proceeded to wash my face of all tire and annoyance. I had to make the best out of my holidays. 

I was never one to spend these money-like moments with friends -  if I ever had any. I didn't mind being alone and friendless. I could spare all the pressure and gossip for another incarnation. I didn't care.



Involuntarily, a groan seeped out of my lungs. Turning around, I was face-to-face with my roommate. I regarded him with an irritated complexion.

Luke. Out of all the human beings in college, it had to finally be him who took the position of being my roommate. He was a year elder to me, explaining his assertion of authority. Unlike me, though, he was an immensely popular person, filled with joy and energy. It seemed to burst out of him at every angle, every single time I caught sight of him. His hair was a litter of soft curls, reaching out to obstruct his view every now and then. His eyes were sharp, although no one could tell that mischievous glint properly, for his spectacles protected them. Luke was also tall. Very, very tall. Every time I would turn to look at him, I felt my head being turned straight up, glaring at him while he stared back down at me. Perhaps it was all these factors that made him overflow with arrogance. 

I despised him. He would always put up a front, acting heroic. He was annoying. He was an utter dolt. The aspect that made me hate him the most, however, was his insistence in the two of us becoming friends. Of course, I've never even dreamt of the thought of us ending up as such, for it would only mean we would go down in flames in the future.


I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, only to find him giving a slight jerk on my shoulder to bring me back to Earth. With an inward grimace, I harshly retracted my shoulder from his touch.

"Don't touch me." I stated simply, yet firmly. Luke flinched.

"I'm sorry," he started, "you were spacing out"

"You could've just told me." I snarled. "What do you want now?"

A sudden smile washed over his face, and his pupils seemed to dilate to such an extent I never thought was effable. "I'm going back to my family on the day after tomorrow! It's been so long since I've seen them."

I let my eyes meet his with an uncaring mask. "So? What does that have to do with me?"

In a flash, my roommate's smile withered, his eyes losing their all-famous glint. "I suppose it had nothing in relation to you..."

With that, I slammed the bathroom door on him, continuing to fresh-up.

I silently thought over his plans. If Luke was going to visit his family for the holidays, it would mean I would have no accompaniment. I would be isolated. There would be no one to incense me. I let out a scoff.


As I swung the door back open after a good twenty minutes, I saw Luke holding two steaming cups. He placed them on the table and sat down on the chair, looking at me with deep, expectant eyes.

"I made us some coffee." he informed, whilst taking a cautious sip.

"Mm..." I responded gruffly, as I seated myself next to him. I admit, he was helpful at the very least.

The two of us sat, expectant of what awaited us in our holidays. I myself remained clueless of what to busy myself on. Perhaps shopping? Maybe writing? One thing was certain - I intended to make the most out of being left alone. 

After a prolonged persuasion session with Luke, I finally got him to leave me be. I began to continue my story from where I had left off, yet ignorantly disregarded the flow of time. I acknowledged Luke, who punctually brought me my meals without any disturbance, and perhaps that was why I was positively unaware of the world around me. Before I knew it, darkness had blanketed the sky.

"Danielle!" called Luke. "Look at the time, would you? Can we at least eat dinner together?"

He barged into my study room. Startled, I faced him, my eyes widened from the sudden action. "How careless could you possibly get?" he questioned, his glare shooting daggers at me. I looked back at him simply, glancing at my finished piece.

"Get everything ready, " I followed, "I'll join you."


Dinner was rather filling. I'd always preferred my roommate's cooking compared to mine, although I never actually told him that. We chatted - or rather, he chatted - about simple aspects and daily lives. He was always so vibrant and talkative, while I merely just moved my head to gesture that I was still listening. I absent-mindedly pondered on how he would never get bored or discouraged due to my scanty replies, but I suppose I shall never learn why - for I didn't bother understanding him. He was a trifle too complex.

"Hey, Danielle?" he addressed, interrupting my thought stream yet again. I stared in response. He spoke.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go on."

Luke's eyes detached themselves from mine and glued blankly towards the ground, posing a guilt-found expression. Surprised, I continued to observe his language.

"S-So, I'm going out with my friends tomorrow..." he began.

A major part of me wanted to dismiss this pointless confession, but realizing his stammer just then had aroused my suspicions on where this conversation was going. I keenly shifted my eyes to his feet. They were consistently tapping the floor like a drill against soil. I internally gawked at this scene. He was...nervous?

"...and I was thinking..." he continued.

My eyes depicted another constant movement. Luke's fingers drummed against his knees, his face tilted away from looking at me, almost as if he was hiding something.

"...maybe, just maybe..."

Where was this going?

Suddenly, all his nervous body language came to an abrupt halt, and his head jolted to look at me. A small smile was worn on his complexion.

"You and I can go out together tomorrow."

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